Message from @MakeGamingGreatAgain
Discord ID: 499666348926959646
Crying liberals
@fsmetal love Gran Turismo, hate the license test
@Deleted User yeah. The license tests suck
Oooo my brother mentioned something about this
will violin for shekels
That’s prime meme material
He's pretty good at it I am so pumped for this. I played this back in the day and it is one of the weirdest and most unique games I have ever played
* installs minecraft *
nice 😄 - Make Gaming Great Again - Introduction to Coding. I teach some of the basics for coding with some encouragement. Let’s take the tech world back from the censorious left.
speak about the devil, I will bookmark your videos for the future
Currently I'm studying C for my uni though
didn't expect any better for the ac
From what I have heard its full of MT BS.
What is MT bullshit?
Microtransactions... aka why many games either involve a fuckton of grinding when unnecessary or the majority of the game is behind a paywall after buying it.
Oh yeah
After 2016 most games became that way.
EA was making buttloads of money
So they copied the tactic
Its why I rarely buy games at launch anymore. Why bother paying 60-70 when you can wait a year when its 20-30 before buying those DLCs that were already being announced on launchday.
They need to knock off DLC unless it was something that was made 6months to a year AFTER the release of a game.
Unless it's like, 2.99 skins and shit.
I'm okay with 2.99 skins.
In November I will be getting the first game I have bought on launchday in 3 years and that is Spyro. The reason is because it was a childhood favorite and just like my childhood, the entire game will be on the disk.
I don't know how the hell Activision okayed the game like that considering this goes against their way of mass MTs.
That's why I pirate
Regarding Hollywood, piracy has become very patriotic considering it doesn't put a dent to the lifestyle of anti-american limousine liberals despite claims otherwise. Besides they are such a tight-knit group most of them sleep with their cousins or whoever hired them.