Message from @Ragnarok

Discord ID: 609495064179376140

2019-08-09 14:34:41 UTC  

Then there’s like every Jackie Chan movie <:TheodoreRooseveltLaugh:585130800870195200>

2019-08-09 14:34:51 UTC  


2019-08-09 14:35:06 UTC  

Jackie chan was good, though IP man was far better

2019-08-09 14:35:08 UTC  

I’m pretty sure most of his stuff is Hong Kong related.

2019-08-09 14:35:32 UTC  

IP man was really good. Saw 1 and 2. I think there’s 4 now.

2019-08-09 14:36:00 UTC  

4? I thought only 3 movies

2019-08-09 14:36:01 UTC  


2019-08-09 14:36:03 UTC  

Yeah I think one of them isn't part of the trilogy

2019-08-09 14:36:17 UTC  


2019-08-09 14:36:29 UTC  

I have to see it then cause I have watched the trilogy only

2019-08-09 21:06:16 UTC  

**Do alcohol and tobacco need to be outlawed due to their hazardous and occasionally fatal effects?**

2019-08-09 21:08:01 UTC  

**Should women be allowed to vote?**

2019-08-09 21:08:48 UTC  

**Would you be in favor for term limits on congressmen?**

2019-08-09 21:09:56 UTC  

@wwezombiegod I got a B* in RE. Suck my cock

2019-08-09 21:10:34 UTC  

See that's the problem with polls

2019-08-09 21:10:43 UTC  

It’s does in the new grade system

2019-08-09 21:10:44 UTC  

I'd outlaw tobacco. Not alcohol.

2019-08-09 21:10:50 UTC  

6= B*

2019-08-09 21:11:16 UTC  

Term limits for Congress? Is it the modern Congress, or *my* idea of a council of nobles?

2019-08-09 21:11:56 UTC  

Modern congress

2019-08-09 21:15:47 UTC  

Term limits. Zero days.

2019-08-09 21:17:48 UTC  

alcohol kills 88,000 per year

2019-08-09 21:17:53 UTC  

in US alone

2019-08-09 21:19:46 UTC  

Don't care

2019-08-09 21:20:19 UTC  

Give people a year in jail unprobated for DUI and see how that number changes

2019-08-10 14:20:12 UTC  

I don’t see how people get so many DUI. Fucking idiots. I just take them on a high speed chase and by the time they catch me they forget about the alcohol.

2019-08-12 00:43:54 UTC  

I have drunk and drove near 1000 times in my lifetime, pulled over 3x and still got away with it. Never did I drink to the point I was ever a hazard. People getting DUI's must be ridiculously drunk or bad liars/actors to the police.

2019-08-12 00:49:22 UTC  

@Deleted User you shouldn't drink and drive. Ever, regardless of the situation.

2019-08-12 01:30:10 UTC  

Haven't in over a year. From my experience though, it was very easy to do. Makes me worried how far others must push their limits to actually get a DUI or swerve around like idiots.

2019-08-12 11:12:38 UTC  

Cops can tell sometimes. You have to remember that arresting people comes with a lot of paperwork compared to just stopping and giving a warning. If they dont think you are a danger they probably wont bother unless they have checkpoints out.

2019-08-13 05:05:35 UTC  

You are probably right

2019-08-13 05:21:06 UTC  

We can tell, but DUI is a specialized skill.

2019-08-13 05:21:45 UTC  

And it's a really particular thing to make a good arrest and get a conviction. Field sobriety tests have to be done in an exact way, very methodical, and in some states it's not even part of basic training.

2019-08-13 05:22:53 UTC  

If I stop a car for a weird violation, like swerving, stopping when there's no stop sign, wrong side of road, go through a stop sign especially slowly without even touching brakes, or no head lights, that's a huge red flag for DUI

2019-08-13 05:24:17 UTC  

Regardless of the stop reason I watch for symptoms. Do they have trouble finding their ID? Motor skills? Slurred speech, smell of alcoholic drinks, actual drinks in the car, sleepy, etc?

2019-08-13 05:24:57 UTC  

And people who are always drunk sometimes can drive perfectly normal, no violation, and show no symptoms, yet they'll blow like a 0.4

2019-08-13 12:47:47 UTC  

My grandpa is like that last paragraph.

2019-08-13 12:47:55 UTC  

I think he actually drives better when drunk.

2019-08-13 18:11:29 UTC  

Yeah we had a guy in the Army get a DUI at .28

2019-08-13 18:12:09 UTC  

Said he was fine but the cop could obviously smell it

2019-08-13 18:13:00 UTC  

If it's 0.08 or above that's all I need for a case. If it's less, I can still prosecute but I need some moving violations and fail field sobriety