Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 461264225126449152

2018-06-25 07:59:55 UTC  

If you cut your arm you'll see the same blood as a Chinese, Russian, or American. We're all human and should not hate each other, because the real evil people in this world don't see a distinction between us anyway.

2018-06-26 11:07:54 UTC  

Yes we should not hate each other as a human, except the fact that everyone's a competitor, pursuing great wealth and power, willing to step on each other head for their own gain. People have constantly doing so, regarless of their origins, races, nationalities, regardless of ages. Every kid able to make friend with other kids despite their differences but as the time progresses, those kids will start looking at the world differently. There will be an instance of them become friend4ever, or permanent foes.
If all nations can be friends, why some regimes have the habit of pursuing world domination and likely swallow the lesser ones for thousand years.

2018-06-26 14:30:53 UTC  


2018-06-26 14:58:57 UTC  

Damn right Korea. Moon's government did at least one thing right

2018-06-26 16:40:14 UTC  

@Archer I was most definitely not referring to Muslims. They cannot be our friends.

2018-06-26 16:59:20 UTC  


2018-06-26 19:26:16 UTC  

Mulisms, yea, can't be friend, as for me, the people whom came from ROC now a day can't be friend either

2018-06-26 20:07:02 UTC  

Why not?

2018-06-26 20:11:00 UTC  

they seem to not care about the people around them except those whom they can exploit

2018-06-26 20:12:56 UTC  

I mean people who live with em under the same roof,

2018-06-26 20:13:29 UTC  


2018-06-26 20:13:41 UTC  

ROC = Republic of China = Taiwan

2018-06-26 20:13:59 UTC  

nah, taiwan may be better than china

2018-06-26 20:14:17 UTC  

oh my mistake, PRC

2018-06-26 20:15:48 UTC  

PRC isn't without its share of problems for sure, but the people are generally good

2018-06-26 20:16:45 UTC  

may be you are luckier than me, never have problem with them once or twice a week

2018-06-26 20:17:38 UTC  

Where do you live?

2018-06-26 20:18:25 UTC  

somewhere in California, renting with a mainland chinese

2018-06-26 20:19:07 UTC  

California is... California dude

2018-06-26 20:19:21 UTC  

There's shit of every race and nationality there

2018-06-26 20:19:45 UTC  

People who want something for nothing and will exploit anyone to get what they want

2018-06-26 20:21:02 UTC  

yes, include the eldely whom part of the gov health care program

2018-06-26 20:21:19 UTC  

I will tell you one thing I hate about Chinese, they have short tempers

2018-06-26 20:21:27 UTC  

And they hold grudges for eternity

2018-06-26 20:22:05 UTC  

Chinese have long memories about others bad deeds, so I believe

2018-06-26 20:22:38 UTC  

Yes absolutely

2018-06-26 20:23:10 UTC  

That's why they can't have guns. Because they haven't forgotten the red guards, and if guns were legalized today, half the population would be dead tomorrow

2018-06-26 20:23:48 UTC  

even the those who served the red guard are now protesting against the gov for their unpaid wages

2018-06-26 20:23:52 UTC  

It would start with killing the 11 million red guards, then the families killing them in revenge, and back and forth

2018-06-26 20:24:04 UTC  

You kill my father, now you die

2018-06-26 20:24:55 UTC  

If the red guards got paid, then they would have to pay a shitload of PLA veterans, because enlisted soldiers didn't get paid back then either. In the end it would cost an insane amount of money

2018-06-26 20:27:29 UTC  

that's why "police" forces have a lot of personel, to be able to suppress riots right before it could happen

2018-06-26 20:28:44 UTC  

Well and they don't have the same autonomy as we do

2018-06-26 20:29:01 UTC  

Public security almost always work in teams. Whereas we take calls solo

2018-06-26 20:30:00 UTC  

That insane desire for revenge also comes from incredible respect for heirarchy and authority, which is why they don't have as much crime. Zunyi is the size of NYC. Has only 1/3 of the police force

2018-06-26 20:30:43 UTC  

Discipline begins in the home and no matter where you are or what conditions you live in, you have no excuse to be a thug

2018-06-26 20:33:33 UTC  

Thereby disproving the assertion that niggardry is the white man's fault. The left hates Asians for this reason. They're a minority that faced discrimination and Chinese for instance couldn't even become citizens until the 60s, yet they thrive.

2018-06-26 20:36:29 UTC  

we shall continue with this baby lottery until we get a son

2018-06-26 20:40:40 UTC  

I'm gonna do that actually, to keep having kids until I have a son

2018-06-26 20:42:32 UTC  

such dedication! what if you got 10 daughters instead?