Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 474416967659290636

2018-08-02 03:17:55 UTC  

that's about $450USD

2018-08-02 03:18:32 UTC  

Asians are good trolls

2018-08-02 03:18:51 UTC  

Do y'all do the Hell Money thing, where you burn it at a grave?

2018-08-02 03:19:07 UTC  

I can imagine a pallet of that being sent to isis

2018-08-02 03:19:21 UTC  

> 50ドルならまあ
> 当然輸送料は元払いな、着払いで送ってくんなよ

"How about $50
But you pay the bank transfer fees, and don't send him back COD"

2018-08-02 03:19:49 UTC  

no but we burn stuff during Obon, which is basically in 2 weeks

2018-08-02 03:19:56 UTC  

so similar custom

2018-08-02 03:20:02 UTC  

but not quite the same

2018-08-02 03:21:08 UTC  

oh we burn stuff for specific purposes, like you go to a temple and leave toys for [your] dead children in a special place, and they put it all in a bon fire later on to send it to the next world

2018-08-02 03:21:21 UTC  

Yeah similar

2018-08-02 03:22:18 UTC

2018-08-02 03:22:20 UTC  

me and my wife did that once when we had a miscarriage, the area for the dead children was the saddest place I've ever been. People wrote letters and attached them to brand new toys and video games that were popular - like the kind of stuff you fight other people in line for or bid for on ebay from a scalper

2018-08-02 03:22:34 UTC  


2018-08-02 03:22:41 UTC  

fucking heartbreaking man, I'm tearing up just typing this out

2018-08-02 03:22:44 UTC  

Sorry about your loss man

2018-08-02 03:22:50 UTC  

ah no it was really early term

2018-08-02 03:23:12 UTC  

You're white, yeah?

2018-08-02 03:23:16 UTC  

my wife didn't even cry she was just like "hey take me to the hospital tomorrow I miscarrieed"

2018-08-02 03:23:21 UTC  

I'm white-ish

2018-08-02 03:23:32 UTC  


2018-08-02 03:23:39 UTC  

But your wife is Japanese?

2018-08-02 03:23:42 UTC  


2018-08-02 03:24:16 UTC  

So you follow Japanese indigenous religion?

2018-08-02 03:24:23 UTC  

I can't stand white women... probably has something to do with my white mom being a terrible person

2018-08-02 03:24:34 UTC  

we do all the shindo and buddhist customs here yeah

2018-08-02 03:24:43 UTC  

but nobody is really religious

2018-08-02 03:24:59 UTC  

I know more shinto shinwa than my wife

2018-08-02 03:25:14 UTC  

Same in China, it's more of a cultural tradition than a religious one

2018-08-02 03:25:36 UTC  

yeah, and China has it damn right cracking down on the serious religions

2018-08-02 03:25:54 UTC  

like the ones where you have to believe sky daddy told you to kill people

2018-08-02 03:26:04 UTC  

I think they should be treated like cults

2018-08-02 03:26:30 UTC  

we have christians up the street and they think that because I'm white I'm religious or something and they like invite me to easter parties and stuff

2018-08-02 03:26:32 UTC  

But for "us" the existence of the Christian God is basically just an accepted fact of nature

2018-08-02 03:27:09 UTC  

is it? I never grew up in a religious environment and I have a history of a big chunk of my family being wiped out from that.

2018-08-02 03:27:11 UTC  

Like my Chinese family they call themselves nonreligious but they still believe in God

2018-08-02 03:27:21 UTC  

aah like spiritualism

2018-08-02 03:27:25 UTC  

yeah none of that here

2018-08-02 03:27:29 UTC  

I meant us as in my Chinese family

2018-08-02 03:27:38 UTC  


2018-08-02 03:28:44 UTC  

in Japan it's just so perhipheral, it's more or less just the feeling, like even if you go to a shrine and buy a charm they'll say "It's not the charm that makes it happen, the charm is a symbol and reminder for you to make it happen"

2018-08-02 03:29:02 UTC  

Sounds very Catholic