Message from @Ehzek
Discord ID: 466802162383716373
Yeah I double checked before I posted it
I've already almost shared something that was fake today so figured I'd give it a quick search.
In which the huffpo basically admits that they hate this country
❤ Gotta love some Crowder.
I was reading some comments earlier about how the US is basically defenseless if they leave NATO
Coming from the same type of people who love to point out our military spending is greater than what, 8 countries combined? Most of which are allies?
Defionitely love him. when he does something I disagree with, he is articulate. HE presents his ideas well./..and he's funny
"The U.S. spends so much more than every other country on military" YEAH BECAUSE WE ARE DEFENDING OUR ALLIES WHO REFUSE TO SPEND ENOUGH
I mean look what happens the moment we say maybe we shouldn't be doing that. These other countries get terrified
It's just a damned if you do, damned if you don't
If we continue to contribute how we do, we wouldn't be able to support social programs like the other countries
But if we cut back our contributions we'd be "turning our backs on our allies"
Turning our backs on what? "We dont need military" is their stance.
Also if they have to spend on military it will probably ruin all their socialism
Problem being then we might be able to afford it...
I mean yeah who needs a military if you have #OpenBorders ❤ ❤ 🙏 🙏
Its their dumb idea but yeah
Cut back our spending increase theirs
Makes it harder to get back to where we are now.
If Trump starts getting ou budget in the green they cant really undo it without undoubtedly showing they are not for America.
It's all I can do not reply "YOU'RE GOD DAMN RIGHT."
Very low IQ individuals.
Trump just needs to back out period
stop calling it huffpo
and start calling it huffpaint
you know what annoys me
retard leftists
saying the "country is dead"
STFU you retards you know nothing about the country
and if you do, you want it to die
otherwise you wouldn't be a faggot leftist
imagine hating EVERYTHING about America, and then having the audacity to imply you like it or something STFU
Let them say its dead
That defeatist nature will cause less to go to the polls
Ymwe should just leave the U.N. entirely but it is a good start
Fuel it
It means we win.
NATO is 600 billion its a good start