Message from @Niveron

Discord ID: 473925574897958942

2018-07-30 17:18:29 UTC  

And they have always been good at saving money. They teach their children at age 2, how to save money by using jars. A jar for tithes (10%), a jar for savings (10%), a jar for charity (10%), a jar for investment (20%) and a jar for spending (50%)

2018-07-30 17:19:39 UTC  


2018-07-30 17:19:44 UTC  

Their insular community meant that wealthy married wealthy, instead of inheritances being divided with a rich husband and poor wife (or like me, a rich wife and poor husband)

2018-07-30 17:20:08 UTC  

I only found out my wife's salary yesterday. $400 PER DAY.

2018-07-30 17:22:55 UTC  

The South Park depiction of Jews is 100% accurate

2018-07-30 17:23:06 UTC  

Especially Kyle's mom

2018-07-30 18:06:09 UTC  

The jar thing sounds like a good idea. Might have to do that for my wife and our future kids 🤣

2018-07-30 18:09:46 UTC  

The education thing is something I learned when I visited the holocaust museum in DC. While the Jews were sending their kids to learn science and finance, the rest of Europe was staying in trade skill jobs.

2018-07-30 22:07:30 UTC  

Both have their merits

2018-07-30 22:07:56 UTC  

Even artistic majors aren't inherently bad, it's just that the market is flooded and the people feel so entitled

2018-07-30 22:08:57 UTC  

We do need people to preserve culture, but not everyone can or should be an artist, musician etc. We still need someone to build bridges, make medicine, work on cars etc

2018-07-30 22:15:50 UTC  

Jews are a lot like Chinese people. Imagine how fucked up Chinese Jews are

2018-07-30 22:16:58 UTC

2018-07-30 22:22:52 UTC  

I already have to deal with the ethnic ones. The Asian ones are nearly impossible to spot, but policies seem to line up

2018-07-31 17:40:57 UTC  

The white Jews, like it or not that's what they are, have bred in such small circles for centuries that they all look alike.

2018-07-31 17:41:27 UTC  

We know they are white because in the middle ages the Inquisition wasn't able to find them if they pretended to be Christian

2018-07-31 18:45:52 UTC  

they kinda did though

2018-07-31 18:46:19 UTC  

since jews in that time segregated themselves, and vore specific clothing, most notably a hat.

2018-07-31 18:47:10 UTC  

at least in the western europe, they usually lived by the city's outskirts and worked the shittiest jobs, like curing leather.

2018-07-31 18:47:29 UTC  

which at the time used piss and shit for the process

2018-07-31 18:51:02 UTC  

and the inquisition, at least as we know it is more of a 16th century thing.

2018-07-31 18:51:29 UTC  

you know, when the whole reformation thing started

2018-07-31 19:30:42 UTC  

Inquisition is far older than that. Started around the time of the Cathars

2018-07-31 19:31:25 UTC  

Jews in Spain had a hard time, the Spanish Inquisition is not the same institution as the Catholic Inquisition

2018-07-31 19:32:46 UTC  

And if Jews chose not to wear their distinctive clothes, they usually looked the same as everyone else

2018-07-31 19:32:55 UTC  

fuck the spanish

2018-07-31 19:33:14 UTC  

Ottoman Empire had to give Jews and Christians badges to identify them. The origin of the yellow star in fact.

2018-07-31 19:33:25 UTC  

Cortez did nothing wrong

2018-07-31 19:33:38 UTC  

all spaniards are inbred with goatfuckers

2018-07-31 19:33:46 UTC  

lazy, greedy, and moronic.

2018-07-31 19:34:22 UTC  

the reconquista took like what, 400 years?

2018-07-31 19:36:18 UTC  

The entire time was spent in warfare

2018-07-31 19:36:50 UTC  

And for the latter part, what became the final Muslim country in Iberia was actually paying tribute to Catholic kings just to be allowed to live

2018-07-31 19:37:10 UTC  

Tribute money which was used to liberate other territories from Muslim rule

2018-07-31 19:37:28 UTC  

one good thing came from it

2018-07-31 19:37:33 UTC  

the Alhambra palace

2018-07-31 19:38:08 UTC  

which is a monument to the skill of the builders, who transformed simple, cheap materials into something awesome.

2018-07-31 19:38:12 UTC  

It was more profitable to extort them to actually conquer them for a time

2018-07-31 19:38:34 UTC  

Look up the cuck catalan Miquel Puertas.

2018-07-31 19:39:22 UTC  

a "freedom fighter" pedo who was ousted from Donbass when they found out about his hobby.

2018-07-31 19:40:23 UTC  

but in all fairness, extorting them, is like stealing from a bum, at least in their final kicks.