Message from @Little Boots

Discord ID: 487419708493135873

2018-09-06 07:57:02 UTC  

If i was gonna call upon the removal of anyone, it would be thots, and degenerate males

2018-09-06 07:58:32 UTC  

You don't think that borderline individuals are degenerate?

2018-09-06 08:09:03 UTC  

if they actually try to be a part of society, they have my utmost respect

2018-09-06 09:41:56 UTC  

the absolute failure of mental health services in the 21st century has had an irreversable effect on civilization.

2018-09-06 09:43:41 UTC  

but there is a line between being anxious in large crowds, and chopping you dick of and giving hormone blockers to 3 year olds and proclaiming its totaly normal.

2018-09-06 09:55:55 UTC  

Gender dysphoria is a real thing thay needs to be treated like other mental illnesses

2018-09-06 09:56:15 UTC  

Thing is Borderline isn't a mental illness, there is no chemical imbalance

2018-09-06 09:56:24 UTC  

Borderline is a personality disorder.

2018-09-06 10:12:15 UTC  

its all a problem in the mind , some can be cured by drugs, some by working through the perceived fear with pure physiological analysis.

but they simply threw all the bat shit insane people out on the street and gave everyone else lithium and Adderall...

then real issues like gender dysphoria and Body dysmorphic disorder, were simply normalised to the point we now have Rachelle Dolizal .

2018-09-06 10:29:23 UTC  

ASLO, we need a music channel

2018-09-06 10:30:17 UTC  

I have suggested that a few times

2018-09-06 10:43:07 UTC  

some dank trump/synth/fash/* wave

2018-09-06 12:25:23 UTC  

Sadly, drugs are more of a bandaid to mental health issues. They definitely help. Without working through the base issue causing the problems in the first place, you’ll need more and more drugs.

2018-09-06 12:32:23 UTC  

Anyone with mental health issues still matters. I’ll joke like everyone else on here, but truly all life has value. Avoiding anyone with mental issues just leads those individuals to depression and suicide. And that’s not the way we want our society to go.

2018-09-06 17:04:07 UTC  

I don't think we should exterminate people except for a crime. If you have mental health issues you need help. Of course we should also not use mental illness as an excuse for crime either.

2018-09-06 23:11:30 UTC  

@Iakovos I dont see anything inherently "wrong" with personality disorders. I've thought a lot about how we can fix society and the liberal concepts, liberal not leftist there is a decent difference, that are being used in Law Enforcement are interesting.

They are seeking to do more rehab and way more efficient probation and psuedo counseling to help people. Things like resilience training in the Army and self improvement programs need to be taught in school at least. Just having more people get involved with people around them could fix a lot of these small criminal and behavioral issues.

Its not helping that they dismantled the mental health facilities. But the probation stuff is making me realize it would be way cheaper and more efficient if we were to rebuild it in some fashion.

For serious mental/physical disorders though forced castration. We have more than enough people than to abide retards making more retards.

2018-09-06 23:13:21 UTC  

One flaw in teaching liberal concepts though is leftist infiltration and commandeering. It would need to be result based and not feeling based.

2018-09-07 00:30:30 UTC  

Is it sad that people still defend the Last Jedi as a good film?

2018-09-07 00:31:33 UTC  

DON'T GET ME STARTED!!!!! /'dsfkm;lksdago;idafmvoiurdbvaioyefpsdiovujoadfoipnogsl;dalfadlapexopjer mdkllvf.k.lz.pwim

~ A hardcore star wars fan

2018-09-07 00:31:54 UTC  

^ Me pointing out how bad the film is.

2018-09-07 00:32:18 UTC  

As a hardcore Star Wars fan, that film was horrible.

2018-09-07 00:32:51 UTC  

I've taken writing classes and write as a hobby. Everything in that film is crap from a writing standpoint.

2018-09-07 00:33:12 UTC  

The effects, sound and most of the acting is good. But the story is crap

2018-09-07 00:33:19 UTC  

As someone who has been writing a novel series, it’s really bad writing.

2018-09-07 00:33:40 UTC  

Subversions just to subvert expectations do not work.

2018-09-07 00:35:32 UTC  

Adam Driver really stood out I admit. but he along with everyone else had a bad story to work with.

Finn, who I thought had great potential as a character was ruined in this film for laughs.

Rey is weakened as a character and Poe....... He got his balls cut off

2018-09-07 00:36:03 UTC  

Adam Driver is truly wasted potential. He’s not a bad actor, but he certainly feels wasted by the bad writing.

2018-09-07 00:36:28 UTC  

Rey was essentially fulfilled to be a Mary Sue right down to the last detail.

2018-09-07 00:37:11 UTC  

yep. The second film is supposed to beat the hero down, make then feel real and that they can be hurt. None of that happens

2018-09-07 00:37:19 UTC  

Also, Poe would have been such a good character along the lines of Wedge Antillies, but he was pretty much turned into the punching bag in the film.

2018-09-07 00:38:48 UTC  

I honestly believe they created Rose (asian chick) to get Finn off Rey so they could do the Rey/Kylo relationship.

2018-09-07 00:39:16 UTC  

That and they needed a diversity hire to sell to China only to see the film bomb in China.

2018-09-07 00:39:29 UTC  

tell me about it 😄 😄 😄

2018-09-07 00:39:53 UTC  

Its even funnier when you realize her family is from Vietnam

2018-09-07 00:40:05 UTC  


2018-09-07 00:40:42 UTC  

The nation that after beating the US, killed 20,000 chinese in a 4 month war.

2018-09-07 00:42:02 UTC  

The nation that China has always secretly hated.

2018-09-07 00:43:21 UTC  

Finn, could have been great. he in a sense is a child soldier having been raised to fight and the First Order being all he knows. But he acts and behaves like everyone else in the film like he's Han Solo for crying out loud

2018-09-07 00:44:21 UTC  

Plus I give major props to the actor. The guy spends more time interacting with fans and children then anyone else.

2018-09-07 00:45:02 UTC  

Yep. I honestly feel bad for him. I don’t hate the actors, but I really hate the writers and director(s) for these new films.