Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 560291027710377998

2019-03-27 02:17:44 UTC  

ever heard of ethics, political ethics?

2019-03-27 02:17:55 UTC  

Well ethics are part of politics lol

2019-03-27 02:18:21 UTC  

Shit you guys are almost as brainwashed as the far left.

2019-03-27 02:18:32 UTC  

Stalin recriminalized homosexuality. Please tell me how right wing he was

2019-03-27 02:19:22 UTC  

Politics are part of ethics.

2019-03-27 02:19:32 UTC  

Stalin was authoritarian.

2019-03-27 02:19:38 UTC  

Authoritarians tend to outlaw homosexuality.

2019-03-27 02:19:45 UTC  

He was also communist.

2019-03-27 02:19:54 UTC  

so he took control of businesse

2019-03-27 02:20:07 UTC  

now, an authoritarian capitalist would outlaw homosexuality WITHOUT seizing private businesses

2019-03-27 02:20:08 UTC  

And you can be left wing and authoritarian. Communism and fascism are left wing and authoritarian

2019-03-27 02:20:21 UTC  

Can you be right wing and authoritarian?

2019-03-27 02:21:37 UTC  

Yes but right wing authoritarian dictators tend to be rare. It's essent ially support for free market capitalism and a military dictatorship

2019-03-27 02:22:06 UTC  

so you agree the spectrum is 2D?

2019-03-27 02:22:07 UTC  

more freedom and happiness tends to exist under such a situation than under left wing authoritarian

2019-03-27 02:22:24 UTC  

Okay, so you're not absolutely retarded.

2019-03-27 02:22:43 UTC  

Pinochet is the most well known right wing authoritarian leader I can think of, and he wasn't a fascist

2019-03-27 02:35:45 UTC  

I'd say the spectrum cannot be defined by a number of dimensions

2019-03-27 02:36:10 UTC  

I have libertarian views on guns. Authoritarian views on most social issues.

2019-03-27 02:36:30 UTC  

Libertarian on most taxes

2019-03-27 02:37:27 UTC  

The spectrum is based on our current political climate

2019-03-27 02:37:48 UTC  

Fascism, theocracy, monarchy etc weren't factored in

2019-03-27 02:39:06 UTC  

tax is gay. The less I get taxed, the better

2019-03-27 02:41:30 UTC  

Pretty much

2019-03-27 02:42:03 UTC  

For the most part I only agree with defense tax. Military and police. But then again I think we could fund most of that in other ways

2019-03-27 02:42:20 UTC  

Seizure of criminal assets, and conquest of resources

2019-03-27 03:13:06 UTC  

Make mercenaries normal again

2019-03-27 03:15:12 UTC  

Woo lab night

2019-03-27 03:16:29 UTC  

I was speaking in terms of government only

2019-03-27 03:16:56 UTC  

Adding an economic slide on top doesn't do any favors

2019-03-27 03:17:14 UTC  

Hitler was left as hell

2019-03-27 03:17:24 UTC  

The only thing more left is stalin

2019-03-27 03:18:32 UTC  

Basing your opinions of the opinions of a PhD doesnt make them right and only shows that he knows what's right not that you do or everything he writes is

2019-03-27 03:19:06 UTC  

Yeah Hitler was pretty far left on economics. Social issues, he doesn't fit on the scale at all.

2019-03-27 03:19:08 UTC  

Anything that uses neo is undoubtedly some leftist bull shit

2019-03-27 03:19:22 UTC  

Tony Stark for privatizing national security...

2019-03-27 03:19:33 UTC  

Neoconservative is nation building Boomer shit that still believes Russia is a communist country

2019-03-27 03:19:40 UTC  

Hitler was all over the place lol

2019-03-27 03:19:43 UTC  

And they'll give all our shekels to Israel

2019-03-27 03:20:32 UTC  

One thing that doesnt fit the spectrum is that hyper capitalism where businesses run the government