Message from @tritrium

Discord ID: 515194664114978817

2018-11-22 15:42:56 UTC  

An action by the government to protect the minority

2018-11-22 15:42:57 UTC  

A reminder since this event is in the news again in association with Trump being accused of obstructing Justice by the media.

Trump fired Comey at the recommendation of Attorney General, and Deputy Attorney General, Jeff Sessions and Rod J. Rosenstien for his handling of the conclusion of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails, and his refusal to acknowledge his mistakes.

He “ usurped” the Attorney Generals authority on July 5, 2016 by announcing in his conclusion of the case that it should be closed without prosecution. At this press conference he released derogatory information about the subject of a declined criminal investigation. He also cast his decision as a choice between “ speaking “ or “ concealing “ the Clinton emails incorrectly.

This decision to fire Comey was backed by former Attorney and Deputy Attorney Generals Laurence Silberman, Jamie Gorelick, Micheal Mukasey , Eric Holder , Alberto Gonzales, Larry Thompson, and Donald Ayer.

Below is the memo, read it yourselves.

2018-11-22 15:43:21 UTC  

@Exiled Sentinel It might be being used to push a racial motive at the mo but that doesn't change what it is and what it does.

2018-11-22 15:44:06 UTC  

They are both governmental actions to protect the minority

2018-11-22 15:44:21 UTC  

By that logic freedom of speech is affirmative action because it protects unpopular speech. You guys are silly.

2018-11-22 15:44:22 UTC  

Change my mind

2018-11-22 15:44:35 UTC  

I'm not saying it's a bad thing

2018-11-22 15:44:50 UTC  

Just saying that at a baseline they are the same

2018-11-22 15:45:00 UTC  

@Exiled Sentinel Go and eat shit. 'It's only bad when it helps the ppl I don't lik.@

2018-11-22 15:45:42 UTC  


2018-11-22 15:49:13 UTC  

Muh representative democracy is affirmative action guys ! If you can’t get on my big brained level you can eat shit<:NPC:500042527231967262>

2018-11-22 15:50:31 UTC  

Tell me why it isn't.

2018-11-22 15:51:07 UTC  

In my country one person equals one vote. Why doesn't it in yours?

2018-11-22 15:54:58 UTC  

it doesnt either in my country

2018-11-22 15:55:45 UTC  

Don't obfuscate.

2018-11-22 15:55:46 UTC  

If it did, the south here would never have a say in anything.

2018-11-22 15:55:49 UTC  

I actually already did..

Why doesn’t our country work like your shitty country? Well, as I’ve said before we have government representatives at a local level. That’s what the House does you simple foreigner. Read up on the basics . The notion that the House should be decided by the popular vote of the country is laughable.

2018-11-22 15:56:04 UTC  

Read a bit up on America maybe

2018-11-22 15:56:12 UTC  

simply because of population number differences

2018-11-22 15:58:34 UTC  

I didn't say I disagree. I said that the electoral collage is a form of affirmative action. I places some ppl above others. If it was pure meritocracy then one persons vote would be worth the same as any others.

2018-11-22 15:59:39 UTC  

Can you explain what the merit of one person one vote is, since it doesnt require any merits whatsoever other then being able to vote which is universal for everyone.

2018-11-22 15:59:59 UTC  

no dur.

2018-11-22 16:00:37 UTC  

So why isn't a persons vote in cal worth as much as one in Viginar? (SP)

2018-11-22 16:05:25 UTC  

Spit it out man!

2018-11-22 16:05:45 UTC  

Affirmative action is arbitrary but people having representation and control of the politics at a local level are not. The House is the counter point to the Senate. It’s a check on the tranny of the majority. If we had a straight popular vote on everything only the cites in a few states would be represented. However the interests of the entire county are vastly different then LA and NY city. Our Republic would literal fall apart.

2018-11-22 16:06:05 UTC  

it would

2018-11-22 16:06:48 UTC  

You keep saying that it’s affirmative action without really proving it. You just point out that it has something vague to do with a smaller group of people.

2018-11-22 16:08:49 UTC  

Freedom of the press has to do with a small group of people. Those that engage in the activities of the press. Is that affirmative action? Is freedom of speech affirmation action because it protects unpopular speech?

You’re watering it down

2018-11-22 16:09:20 UTC  

The US isn't based off of mob rule m8. It's based off of a set of joined states

2018-11-22 16:09:37 UTC  

You're entirely misunderstanding the structure of the country

2018-11-22 16:10:02 UTC  

So you agree. Affirmative action, which gives certain people more weight based on who/where/what they are is used for the good of all to stop tyranny of the majority.

2018-11-22 16:10:35 UTC  


2018-11-22 16:10:57 UTC  

To help those who could'nt shout loader than the others.

2018-11-22 16:11:20 UTC  


2018-11-22 16:11:54 UTC  


2018-11-22 16:11:57 UTC  


2018-11-22 16:12:36 UTC  

>hey, we're in a Union you willingly joined, on the basis that you would have equal representation in that union
>we need 10 more voters from Wisconsin for this vote to be equal

2018-11-22 16:13:29 UTC  

Nobody's vote counts for less because *you are not voting for representatives from other states*

2018-11-22 16:13:53 UTC  

It's like saying the UN should have 10 US representatives and 1 Canadian

2018-11-22 16:15:30 UTC  

You have your state, your state gets their representation, you vote for that

2018-11-22 16:16:47 UTC  

No one is explaining what the difference is betwen given some ppl a leg up coz they are oppressed and giving smaller/less popules states more weight.