Message from @BillClintonFriskyHands
Discord ID: 446095780185636879
it likes to churn people's emotions and get them riled up
no kidding though, I wouldn't wanna live through the Seven Years Tribulation lmao
Iran was bullied by Iraq wasnt it?
1/3 of population will be kill
they had a war in the 1980s
Famine drought
and the US sided with Iraq
Starting to sound like Iraq may be a problem soon, with this Anti-US cleric leading the elections
gave them the chemical weapons that Bush later claimed Saddam had
It sounds like iran would get raped hard
They would
I just hope iraq will pull out of the shitter
Iraq has been a problem since the 1990s <:DeusVultThink:445633671819690010>
but i mean a mainstream problem
I think rev is a middle east issue. Being that the world was just the middle east.
Would it be best/safer if the west just pulled out of the ME and said fuck it you deal with this shit yourselves were fucking tired of your shot
This man will save us all
Please clap
Just build a wall around the ME
What would be best for the middle east is to pull out and let Israel handle that shit alone
They could too lol
They seem to have knack for killing a rabs
Unarmed ones, at least
Thats fake bullshit
They ditch the guns
Israel is the little Satan
They healed the lane with Magic bullets