Message from @DrYuriMom

Discord ID: 518459017782231041

2018-12-01 02:59:02 UTC  

maybe he has a short position on TSLA

2018-12-01 03:25:29 UTC  

Ui, that's a hot take on Acosta!

2018-12-01 03:27:00 UTC  

In short: "he did it on 5th amendment grounds, they didn't give him fair process"....

2018-12-01 03:27:53 UTC  

*A fair process would be to ARREST JIM ACOSTA for comitting two crimes in the presence of the president*.

2018-12-01 05:02:25 UTC  

George H. W. Bush died.

2018-12-01 05:35:10 UTC  

this was briefly in his Washington Post obituary

2018-12-01 05:35:36 UTC  

but still 🇫

2018-12-01 05:41:38 UTC  

They have these prewritten for everyone famous.

2018-12-01 06:20:22 UTC  

Rip Bush 1

2018-12-01 06:20:49 UTC  

He seemed groovy personally even if will never forgive the read my lips thing.

2018-12-01 06:27:46 UTC  

*I thought he had already died*

2018-12-01 08:14:10 UTC  

Highlight from Arch-fiend's video: As Lara Loomer was handcuffed to Twitter HQ, Twitter released a statement the same day saying how ISPs shouldn't discriminate traffic. Rather hypocritical, do you think?

2018-12-01 08:14:50 UTC  

How about...Net Neutrality for Twitter?

2018-12-01 11:32:26 UTC  


2018-12-01 11:32:36 UTC  

really gets the ole noggin' joggin'

2018-12-01 15:47:50 UTC  

holy shit, he's wearing a shirt

2018-12-01 15:48:12 UTC  


2018-12-01 16:11:02 UTC

I'm not going to get involved in debating this particular case because I don't have nearly enough information, but I do want to dispel the hyperbole regarding what happens then this child reached 8yo. Chemical "castration" or more accurately "puberty delay" will not be medically indicated nor initiated by any rational pediatric endocrinologist until the child achieves Tanner State 2 puberty, which in a biological male is the appearance of underarm hair. This generally starts around 12 years old, not 8. Until the onset of puberty, there's no point to puberty delay. In regards to medical intervention, there are almost certainly more than two years to sort this out.

2018-12-01 16:12:54 UTC  

Insofar as permanent, surgical intervention, that will not happen through any US provider until the child achieves legal majority. Gender confirming surgeries need the consent of the individual undergoing them.

2018-12-01 16:15:58 UTC  

Insofar as the safety of puberty delay, this is a therapy modality which has been used for decades in a condition called "precocious puberty". The use of pituitary influencing medications to stop the signals for puberty until the "normal" time for it is achieved. Well, in the past before high protein diets and estrogenic compounds in our environment, puberty was more normal in the 14-16yo range rather than the 11-13 range as it is now.

2018-12-01 16:17:13 UTC  

Think of the Latin "quinceniera" for an idea of when puberty was historically "normal"

2018-12-01 16:20:10 UTC  

By applying puberty delaying therapies we are only delaying development until what is historically a quite reasonable age. At 14-16yo a youth can then make the decision whether to start hormones to initiate gender confirming therapy, continue the blockade to get more time to decide, or enter natural puberty. As a provider I would never support initiating "permanent" changes like hormones until at least 12 years of age, and then only if there are multiple providers supporting the diagnosis and the gender affirmation has been consistent for the youth for several years.

2018-12-01 16:20:48 UTC  

As far as youthful transition being some kind of death sentence, I put forth an anecdote.

2018-12-01 16:20:49 UTC  
2018-12-01 16:21:33 UTC  

Kim socially transitioned at 6yo, started hormones at 12yo, and had surgery at 16yo which is the age of majority in her native Germany. She's now a pop star living in LA.

2018-12-01 16:24:53 UTC  

I agree with the article I began with. Making a mistake with this is horrific for the future of the youth. But that horror goes both ways. Denying a truly transgender youth the right puberty from the start, when they've made their feelings known since childhood, it terrible. On the flip side, forcing the wrong gender on a child is also nightmare fuel. Any rational transperson, and I'll admit they seem to be in short supply these days, will be just as furious at attempts to force trans on a cis person as they will be at cis being forced on trans. It is my experience that gender identity is inherent and you can't force it either way.

2018-12-01 16:26:13 UTC  

I also agree that a lot of kids can be very confused by the concept and nothing permanent should be done until they can make a more mature decision. If there is any uncertainty at all, just keep delaying until more confidence can be achieved.

2018-12-01 16:26:31 UTC  

Or the child reaches an age where they can speak for themselves.

2018-12-01 16:29:36 UTC  

welcome to fucking 2018.

2018-12-01 16:51:16 UTC  

Maybe 2019 will be the year we all reach burnout with trans insanity and snap.

2018-12-01 17:10:35 UTC  

2016 S3 has been crazy. who knows what S4 will bring!

2018-12-01 18:21:49 UTC  

The Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport has reopened the strait of Kerch for maritime passage

2018-12-01 20:50:39 UTC  

The French are protesting fuel price rises. News at 10.

2018-12-01 21:33:43 UTC  

You mean things left out of the news at 10

2018-12-01 22:08:57 UTC  

A fun fact about H.W Bush. He oversaw a CIA spying operation with Stephen Halper against a rival presidential campaign in the 80s. Yes, that’s the same Stephen Halper that the FBI put in the Trump campaign as a spy. Some things never change.

“ The FBI informant who monitored the Trump campaign, Stefan Halper, oversaw a CIA spying operation in the 1980 presidential election “ by Glenn Greenwald on The Intercept

The lie that this was just an FBI “ informant” embedded to protect the Trump campaign has been destroyed. This was a professional CIA political spy.

2018-12-01 23:01:43 UTC  

Read the article, there's a lot of spinning around the facts here.