Message from @Cody
Discord ID: 448185034776510465
The man bun yesh
Think we need to burn down CalArts
I'm glad someone is keeping track of our victories
Not sure how long they've been saying this
Abandon YE hope
Angry reacts
Death to the heretic pope
If you win, we all win
Anyone /fit/ in here?
@Stormbreaker @Tom - GET Official it would be cool if lads from the GET community won the infowars contest
There's another shooting in France
But thats impossible
Lad I'm moving has a boar spear
It's like 6 feet long
High test
ummm. isn't it a good thing for you're not to be being harassed?
God emperor delivering an excellent meme
Is the main page back up?
I don't think so.
hol up what infowars contest @Tom - GET Official
Disregard EU
acquire empire
I wish them the best. hopefully they can recover.
Just remember the white farmer giveth, the white farmer taketh away.