Message from @Major Kay.
Discord ID: 451166765875986443
I'm pretty cool with my mom's two brothers (Both former Canadian army and have seen a lot of combat) They are right wing and support me at those events
Dear Bethesda,
Hurry the fuck up. I got shit to do
oy vey what a conundrum... what to watch later GET stream or Trump rally
Why not both
Also, Wtf is wrong with Italy's president. Physical removal imminent
european union is as bad as the soviet union. italy is really dumb one guy can overturn election results to please brussels
European Union = Soviet Union 2.0
@Mf1399 god emperor himself is live now in Facebook
Hope it's not already over
Can you confirm?
Are you zucced?
Not speaking yet i think
I may be late to this, but now I'm seeing that the new reason Tommy Robinson was arrested was because of "Contempt of Court."
Fucking socialism
Fucking left
I'm LIVE on God Emperor Trump II:
You can also listen in Discord on Live Call In.
Ay ay captain
will we be watching the trump rally together
>Literally just standing outside recording and talking
>"Contempt of Court"
I'm going to be watching
The trump rally i mean
@everyone. GET IS LIVE
also at 8 eastern trump is going live on fb and youtube
Dunno about you guys but this Tommy Robinson thing is scary. Kind of stuff you see in the movies
I agree
Tensions are high, Either we fight back or we lose everything
Tommy's real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon
We can't just fight, otherwise we will lose the public eye, we should wait and see, if Tommy Robinson dies then we should act and fight