Message from @Starlord
Discord ID: 452267334799851530
Worth a call in discussion?
@BullWhale69 possibly, do you have a mic handy to talk about it with me in vetting chat?
I can hear Starlord
I do
I can hear him too Tom
are you l;istening from the fb stream? I cant hear him
Back to you, Tom *News channel intro begins*
@BullWhale69 let’s go to voice chat 3
Actually nevermind see you in live call vetting
yeah on the facebook page it is coming in super muffled
I know what would be worth a story: What it's like to be a conservative Aussie in a left leaning town
Even dumber when they say AR-15
You dont own shit in the Army
Cant even use it if you want
Police would make more sense
@BullWhale69 sounds like your mic is dead
there we go, nice the audio on facebook is better
Can i listen to the show in discord?
Yes! go to the Lve Call in channel, but stay muted
Anyone can
Oh sweet
i wanna get on and talk :(((
So do I
This is actually so cool!
We just have to wait our turn
Feels like an axtual talk show
i mean it really is tbh
what r the topics rn
How do you invite a friend into the server?
the link to the server is
Courtesy of The Root
your cat is awesome