Message from @Moncher
Discord ID: 456488406835527681
I feel this will be a topic in tonight’s call
I usually hop in when I see Bull and Bilbo in there
well they're not right now.
The EU has become trash.
More than just immigration politics, the culture divide between countries is still very present. But the incursion of Islam was a good way to rally everyone in opposition of the EU.
And I hope good ole Poland removes itself from the EU.
Poland gets revenge on Germany
Poland annexes Germany
Adolf Hitski
The polish Hitler
don't post trash
I need a counter
What is a good counter mem?
Basic knowledge of economics
It’s Occupy Democrats. You can never win against them. You get the upper hand and it magically turns into an argument with your little cousin
No idea bud
If Tom does a livestream or something, he’ll ping everyone in announcements
Maybe a picture of the saud prince saying I have to get nukes b4 Iran deal sunsets?
OccupyDemocrats are run by brain cancer patients
Wrong, you are just fake news you Drumpftard supporter
>Most important meeting in recent History for the US
>President Trump cant control the urge to fat-shame the other side
He can't keep getting away with it! LOL
What the fuck
@Diehydra lmao ur using my custom emoji I made
Lol, idk why actors get oscar
I think Alex Jones deserve oscar
imagine the shitstorm