Message from @BillClintonFriskyHands
Discord ID: 459873807490875402
This guy 😎
I want u to post this in all ur social media
Its because Trump has shut down 100% of bullshit aimed at him
He is like a naked feral cat covered in vaseline and vegetable oil. Impossible to pin down
he's baaaack
I don't get what is he expecting
You all remember the last time Star Wars was good? In a "kids" show no less.
@Tom - GET Official This may interest you
Not bernie
Who's ready to fight
Cause this sounds like a invasion
No mexi pride?
I love invasions of US soil
Soro op?
Everything they do may as well be
How does one call in
Talk to @Deleted User
That little lying bitch
Leftist speak for lies
aka a Leftist speaking
If you want to be a part of the show tonight, message @Deleted User and he'll get you set up.
The ends justify the means
according to the Left
In summary of the stupidity that is 2018.
Liberal playbook:
On gun control: exploit the dead
On illegal immigration: exploit children
They love to step over people on their road to power