Message from @Victus Shmmidtt

Discord ID: 462011573741813771

2018-06-28 21:20:51 UTC  

Actually, to stay consistent with the Liberal Agenda, they should be advocating for a pedophile to be SCOTUS

2018-06-28 21:21:41 UTC  

I continue to be very pleased with Maxine Waters - she's the best ally we have on the other side

2018-06-28 21:26:16 UTC  

^^^ Yep, Which is why some of the Dems are actually trying to ignore her

2018-06-28 21:31:34 UTC

Don't know if anyone has read this or not

2018-06-28 21:31:41 UTC  
2018-06-28 21:33:14 UTC  
2018-06-28 21:34:51 UTC  

yo i fucking saw that, Someone recorded that scene and put it on Facebook and was like "Yo y'all need to see this fucked up shit, Netflix wtf are you doin?"

2018-06-28 21:36:38 UTC  

It's disgusting. This is what happens when Soros is allowed to invest in anything

2018-06-28 21:36:49 UTC  

also (((kaplan)))

2018-06-28 21:37:04 UTC  

argentinian jew

2018-06-28 21:37:34 UTC  

Every fucking time

2018-06-28 21:37:49 UTC  

its just a coincidence goy

2018-06-28 21:37:49 UTC  

What is it about Jews and their obsession with children?

2018-06-28 21:41:31 UTC  

something about circumcision being a very traumatic for the child

2018-06-28 21:45:47 UTC  

"Oy vey goyim. If you can't understand that the Talmud allows us Jews to fornicate with underage goy girls than you are just anti-semetic."

2018-06-28 21:46:31 UTC  

am i the only person that says Oy Vey in public

2018-06-28 21:46:39 UTC  

it's like a natural reaction for me now

2018-06-28 21:47:09 UTC  

I've been saying thing in German

2018-06-28 21:47:24 UTC  

Such as Auf paßen

2018-06-28 21:48:44 UTC  

Doesn't the ß stand for two S's

2018-06-28 21:49:02 UTC  

In speech that is

2018-06-28 21:49:11 UTC  


2018-06-28 21:49:15 UTC  


2018-06-28 21:49:27 UTC  


2018-06-28 21:49:30 UTC  

Which I thought it was being switched over to 2 S’s anyways.

2018-06-28 21:49:52 UTC  


2018-06-28 21:50:07 UTC  

That’s what my German teacher told me like 10 years ago.

2018-06-28 21:50:48 UTC  

Only took one semester. My English grammar wasn’t good enough to finish the second semester. 😕

2018-06-28 21:51:52 UTC  

I prefer German when it comes to foreign languages. Mainly because I grew up with some german speech in my household.

2018-06-28 21:52:37 UTC  

Ah. I prefer German just because my ancestry is German.

2018-06-28 21:52:56 UTC  

It's an angrier language, which is great when I need to yell at someone

2018-06-28 21:53:34 UTC  

I'm also Scottish and German, so there's that too

2018-06-28 21:54:28 UTC  

Irish and German. Name originates in Russia, split and moved to Germany and Ireland from what I’ve been told.

2018-06-28 21:54:38 UTC  

Then moved to the states.

2018-06-28 21:55:51 UTC  

Considering someone saying Achtung is better than saying attention, as Achtung sounds stronger and grabs your focus quicker.

2018-06-28 21:57:52 UTC  

I however only have one great gandparent that was 100% German. I'm a primary mix between Scottish Highlanders that came from Norway aka Norsemen and Native American.

2018-06-28 22:10:44 UTC  

Anyone else follow Trump on facebook and read some of the T O X I C liberal comments?

2018-06-28 22:15:40 UTC  

I follow Trump, yes, but I don't give the left a second of attention

2018-06-28 22:16:12 UTC  

Always remember:
"The worst insult an enemy can endure, is to be ignored"

2018-06-28 22:17:12 UTC  

I have a theory

2018-06-28 22:17:19 UTC  

Fb ranks comments based on political affiliation