Message from @Amadeus

Discord ID: 463852279439818752

2018-07-03 23:39:43 UTC  

I guess it's about exploiting cows, not really sure

2018-07-03 23:39:45 UTC  

because my dad is 6 foot 1, but his mother's father was 5 foot 8

2018-07-03 23:40:17 UTC  

I stand at 6'3. Tall Autismos should be feared the most

2018-07-03 23:40:29 UTC  

Wife drinks the shit by the gallon, but it's okay for women to consume that, estrogen supports big tiddies

2018-07-03 23:40:58 UTC  

i'm content with being 5'8" and not hitting my head on things

2018-07-03 23:41:03 UTC  


2018-07-03 23:41:25 UTC  

my roommate drinks soylent

2018-07-03 23:41:27 UTC  

Being 6'3 sucks ass, You catch all the fucking roofs of cars when getting in or out

2018-07-03 23:41:29 UTC  

and he is the pictureboy of soy

2018-07-03 23:41:37 UTC  

Idk how many times i've hit my fucking head

2018-07-03 23:41:44 UTC  

How do you live? By jacking off on his clothing?

2018-07-03 23:42:15 UTC  

well one thing is we have

2018-07-03 23:42:18 UTC  

separate rooms

2018-07-03 23:42:24 UTC  

we share a living room/kitchen/bathroom

2018-07-03 23:42:31 UTC  

but luckily these dorms have personal rooms

2018-07-03 23:42:51 UTC  


2018-07-03 23:43:03 UTC  

Do they lock?

2018-07-03 23:43:06 UTC  


2018-07-03 23:43:11 UTC  


2018-07-03 23:43:12 UTC  

every door in the building can only be opened by a card

2018-07-03 23:43:21 UTC  

besides like bathroom doors

2018-07-03 23:43:23 UTC  

dat'd be kinda dumb

2018-07-03 23:43:23 UTC  


2018-07-03 23:43:30 UTC  

The college I went to had similar dorms.

2018-07-03 23:43:50 UTC  

Was great if you had a less than reputable roommate

2018-07-03 23:43:59 UTC  

I lived off campus

2018-07-03 23:44:00 UTC  

my roommate is a total degenerate

2018-07-03 23:44:19 UTC  

I find that Hispanic women often age like a dead dog in the summer heat

2018-07-03 23:44:28 UTC  

he smokes weed and stuff

2018-07-03 23:45:00 UTC  

soyboy, pothead, actual weeaboo (as in he actually eats eveyrthing with chopsticks, unironically says "arigato" to everyone, etc)

2018-07-03 23:45:07 UTC  


2018-07-03 23:45:13 UTC  

is he a bernie bro?

2018-07-03 23:45:14 UTC  


2018-07-03 23:45:19 UTC  

i dont think so

2018-07-03 23:45:21 UTC  

Nothing wrong with chopsticks, when appropriate

2018-07-03 23:45:27 UTC  

yes, that's the thing

2018-07-03 23:45:37 UTC  

i think if it is feasible to use them, he does

2018-07-03 23:45:52 UTC  

He needs Mike Pence.

2018-07-03 23:45:54 UTC  

I eat Chinese food with chopsticks sometimes, but if you do it to the exclusion of forks and spoons and aren't Asian, then you're a faggot

2018-07-03 23:46:03 UTC  

yes, that's what he does

2018-07-03 23:46:04 UTC  

I'll ask him to visit you