Message from @Mf1399
Discord ID: 466451167443025922
Here we go, using children as shield against the gov
The left and their obsession with children is disgusting
I like human shields
I can't wait to see those faggot face when they their job stolen by those children they trield to save
What would happen if Trump just ignored the judge?
no. wait, most of these fags don't have jobs, how about getting their benefits cut off as gov have to raise those kids
Is there any function of the law to address this?
Must have.
@Stormbreaker fighting the urge to post in comments
Do it. Let the memes flow through you
holy fuck
let it happen!
get ready folks
you should say that to china
their stock crashed last month
China can target some of the Pro-trump state which frequently exporting to China in order to decimate Trump supporters
Real Trump Merchandise I believe is made in the USA. Not in china
I wish to see "Made in USA" goods flooding the market instead of "Made in China" shits
Same. I hate seeing cheap ass shit being made in China and it only works for like three days
but again, we should watch out for those treacherous of EU, they may shake hand with China to against Trump tariff
They'd be stupid to do so
Watch how quickly UN and EU would get defunded
they already did
The EU can Cuck themselves into the ground for all I care.
Germany with the Nordstream 2
Archer, When? Link
I never heard this news
I believe they just got some money cut. I'm talking completely defunding.