Message from @acarson
Discord ID: 466454017690828800
I wish to see "Made in USA" goods flooding the market instead of "Made in China" shits
Same. I hate seeing cheap ass shit being made in China and it only works for like three days
but again, we should watch out for those treacherous of EU, they may shake hand with China to against Trump tariff
They'd be stupid to do so
Watch how quickly UN and EU would get defunded
they already did
The EU can Cuck themselves into the ground for all I care.
Germany with the Nordstream 2
Archer, When? Link
I never heard this news
I believe they just got some money cut. I'm talking completely defunding.
Just wait, Tusk's comment will spark a new war, with US & Russia on one side, and the Europoors in the other
germany is playing with russia, despite the objection from US and the whole EU
EU will cave in a week
Antifa pernamently btfo
We already heard. Fuckin Crazy lmfao
But pretty much @Stormbreaker
now they need to legalize shooting antifags
But yeah we were just talking about it. This would be a great bill to pass. Pretty much as if we're unmasking the KKK all over again
> shoot antifag
>get 15 years prison
> he also gets 15 years prison
> he ends up as your bunk mate for 15 years
> *insert savage Patrick Meme here*
If only we could drag Soros into the court in chains
His will follow soon enough
Unpopular opinion: This is a stupid law because anyone committing assault is already committing a crime. It is pointless to make anything double-illegal - enforce the laws on the book
@TheKekscernist Notice how it says Behaviors. So I'm curious as to what that means, Could be anything besides assault. Like Trash Can tipping lol
Is there somewhere I can read this bill. Seems the actual article doesn't give much insight to it
I'm looking forward to the NATO summit, which is where Trump will whack EU asses to pay up military expenses
oh wait nvm
and oh shit when's that?
@TheKekscernist After reading the bill, I caught this
Section 1363 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: “Whoever, during the commission of an offense under this section, wears a disguise, including a mask, shall, in addition to any term of imprisonment otherwise imposed under this section, be imprisoned for 2 years.”.
So Antifa, With this bill, Will not be allowed to be violent whatsoever pretty much. Or else they'll get arrested
“Hormone therapy is definitely not the same as doping.”
No, hormone therapy treatments use many of the same drugs used in doping, but in even higher concentrations and dosages.
That law gives more teeth to those laws.
Pretty much. We're just doing to them what we did with the KKK