Message from @Vannevariable

Discord ID: 532546622538776576

2019-01-09 04:54:12 UTC  

However... I think that might be a parody news source?

2019-01-09 04:54:40 UTC  

Idk how saying "Walls are for protecting those we love" is an argument against Trump's Wall

2019-01-09 04:54:51 UTC  

It isn't

2019-01-09 04:55:16 UTC  

Then how is it damage control? It's a pro Trump tweet.

2019-01-09 04:55:54 UTC  

If you think most media companies are anti trump. Releasing the tweet like that would necessitate damage control

2019-01-09 04:56:43 UTC  

The wall is the ultimate right wing evil to leftists. There's no way they'd release a tweet that pro wall if they are leftists, It'd burn their thumbs to type that and then they'd get lynched by their leftist shareholders

2019-01-09 04:59:00 UTC  

I was talking to a left friend of mine. Asking them why the democrats think 5 billion is wasteful. Or whether they were simply using the issue to hurt trumps base.

2019-01-09 05:00:16 UTC  

I pointed out 5.6 billion is about 0.14% of the net expenses... It is nothing. It would be like someone who makes $60k a year buying a $84 security camera

2019-01-09 05:00:54 UTC  

Couldn't get them to admit to the political angle

2019-01-09 05:01:01 UTC  

What were they saying?

2019-01-09 05:03:17 UTC  

They deflected saying the usual talking points of it won't work and imagine how bad racism would get if they get the wall and their problems keep getting worse.

2019-01-09 05:03:54 UTC  


2019-01-09 05:05:11 UTC  

I was about to get into the fact that 3000 people a day are caught trying to cross the border. And historically they were being detained for 20 days before being released into the USA

2019-01-09 05:05:21 UTC  

But they cut the convo short lol

2019-01-09 05:14:54 UTC
James Damore himself responds and thinks this post is credible.

2019-01-09 12:22:17 UTC  

What did he do??

2019-01-09 12:29:26 UTC  

Was Christian

2019-01-09 12:29:32 UTC  


2019-01-09 13:10:09 UTC  

Yeah, that better not fly

2019-01-09 13:22:11 UTC  

university will cave. Its UK after all

2019-01-09 13:49:16 UTC  

"The students’ petition calls for Finnis to be removed from teaching on the grounds that “university is a place to focus on education, not to be forced to campaign against or to be taught by professors who have promoted hatred towards students that they teach”."

can we remove most of the SJW professors then too who have attacked male and white students more directly that this guy writing to the Vatican?

2019-01-09 13:51:01 UTC  

"A university spokesperson said: “Oxford University and the faculty of law promote an inclusive culture, which respects the rights and dignity of all staff and students. We are clear we do not tolerate any form of harassment of individuals on any grounds, including sexual orientation."

they need to add an astrisks because apparently they are fine with discrimination based on religion.

2019-01-09 14:48:46 UTC  

why do everybody always have to talk about the "issues" of 1.6% of the population?

2019-01-09 14:59:54 UTC  

to be fair, you are most likely 1.6% of the population somehow in some way give the infinite number of ways you can group people so would you like to be ignored when there is a problem affecting you potentially caused by the government?

2019-01-09 15:00:15 UTC  

1.6% of millions is still a lot of people

2019-01-09 15:17:51 UTC  

the issue is that they expect everyone else to roll over and worship that 1.6%

2019-01-09 15:19:14 UTC  

Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa isn't even enough to escape their attacks either. They don't forgive, and they don't have set rules.

2019-01-09 15:49:42 UTC  

indeed, they forget that they "live in a society" and need to play nice with others

2019-01-09 17:33:43 UTC  

He was in the GOP to start with? Surprised given that the GOP is still a hunch of useless old men who know nothing about the 21st century.

2019-01-09 18:02:48 UTC  

Wow..arent those them coelacanths or whatever. The super old fish

2019-01-09 18:02:56 UTC  

That really fucking blows

2019-01-09 18:07:04 UTC  

No, you can only find a coelacanth when it's raining.

2019-01-09 18:07:20 UTC  


2019-01-09 18:07:26 UTC  

I know that's a pokemon reference

2019-01-09 18:07:37 UTC  

Animal Crossing

2019-01-09 18:08:19 UTC  


2019-01-09 18:20:48 UTC
```...the government’s own internal monitoring systems and investigators had little to do with catching Martin, who prosecutors say took home an estimated 50 terabytes of data from the NSA and other government offices over a two-decade period, including some of the NSA’s most sophisticated and sensitive hacking tools.```
He only got caught because he messaged Kapersky who turned him in to the NSA. He either sold the NSA's hacking tools to a hacker group who leaked some of them and announced intent to sell more, or he was the hacker group.