Message from @Major Kay.
Discord ID: 477275918193131540
Thats not showing for me though :/
72 years old
age appears to be just a number
no u
So The Kekscernist let me ask you a question from what I've seen of the earlier discussion your against total war but think about this for a second let's say your a child your father goes to war and dies how would you feel too the person that killed him
Most children would grow into young adults hating the person or people they feel are responsible
So an easy so lunch to make sure the cycle doesn't continue you and youe not in a constant state of war
If to kill every man woman and child
Absolute and total war burn their towns and fields
Leave nothing left that's the only out of two ways to stop the cycle
I got told off by my super liberal cousin today simply because I confronted her for dissing me about the fact I'm conservative. She called me "far alt-right". Can i get an F ?
She's worse than a thot. She went to college for 4 years, had all of it paid for by her parents, and defended herself like a coward.
I know.
Don't go to it
She's going for another 4 years too.
Also paid by parents.
Her rent is paid too.
I tried community for a few months, it didn't work out.
Liberal-ass math teacher and the first freaking topic in English was about checking privilege.
I knew that it was a lost cause on day 1.
Actually, I don't remember even seeing a single staff member who didn't show signs of being a liberal
That math teacher I just mentioned, one day spent all 30 mins of work time in the classroom saying all the hurricanes from last year were because of global warming / climate change
talking to the student aid about it
no better way to describe it than SAD.
Are we winning the elections
@Jul Nekrosai my uncle was killed in the Vietnam War. My great grandfather (in-law) was killed in the Chinese Civil War. One grandfather fought in Vietnam, another in Korea, and may have killed people who I am now related to by marriage. There are better ways to end a cycle of violence than killing innocent people. A quick Google search can find you plenty of Americans, Japanese, and Germans shaking hands, and North and South as well. Stop holding people responsible for what their ancestors did out of necessity rather than hatred, or you'll end up being just as insane as leftists who blame us for slavery 150 years ago.
@Rumguzzler I couldn't find a college professor who could show up for work on time, sober, and properly dressed