Message from @Niveron

Discord ID: 477904286232084491

2018-08-11 16:02:17 UTC  

Hell yeah brother

2018-08-11 16:03:26 UTC  

Can't tell if I got kicked out of channels or not just now. Weird

2018-08-11 16:04:01 UTC  

NSFW is for big bois

2018-08-11 16:04:20 UTC  

Discord has bee n having server problems lately I've heard

2018-08-11 17:32:31 UTC  

Abhor the witch, destroy the witch.

2018-08-11 17:53:32 UTC  

I've gone so deep into the rabbit hole I can no longer wrap my head around the thought process of people protesting "white supremacy". All I can see is "Yea! Fuck Europeans advocating for their own interests in their own countries!"

2018-08-11 17:54:55 UTC  

Honestly I kinda wish I could go back and not take the red pill, just sit around and play music and smoke the devils lettuce

2018-08-11 17:55:48 UTC  

"White supremacy" is such a silly term... ethno-nationalist

2018-08-11 17:56:25 UTC  

It's just another way for our enemies to wrap these negative connotations around our movement

2018-08-11 18:00:42 UTC  

You can swap European with white then if you want, white supremacy isn't an issue anywhere. It's used as a nasty sounding term for anybody in a western country that doesn't fully support putting the interests of ungrateful "migrants" flooding into every European founded nation on the globe above their own

2018-08-11 18:07:19 UTC  

further if democrats get their way and people are allowed to keep flooding over our southern border and we all become the minority, i'm willing to bet the only people who will still be thriving will be the people who opened up the borders to begin with

2018-08-11 18:10:41 UTC  

You know, i've never been the type to call everything satanic or blame satanism, but i'm starting to come up short on words to describe the absolute bizarre nature of these elites degeneracy like in the photos above

2018-08-11 18:11:25 UTC  

All I have to say is, How can you defend these photos? Its obviously James Gunn and they're dressed like fucking little girls

2018-08-11 18:11:50 UTC  

Hollywood is sickening

2018-08-11 18:12:11 UTC  

like not only are they sick pedo fucks, but it's always this uncanny symbolism laden shit too. like the portraits of tied up children in podestas house

2018-08-11 18:13:07 UTC  

Yep. Fuckin sickens me

2018-08-11 18:15:59 UTC  

You remember that kate spade who was found hung with a red scarf, and then her husband or whatever was photographed poking out of the house wearing a rat mask with a red scarf around its neck. There's something really fucking sick below the surface with all these people

2018-08-11 18:16:39 UTC  

tbh if Chris Pratt has any common sense, He'll disavow his own comments and no longer defend that sick fuck. and Yep, I remember hearing about that the day after she died. Havent heard anything since

2018-08-11 18:17:59 UTC  

Like always they will find some way to brush it under the rug and claim it's completely normal, mundane stuff and we are just hating on cross dressing or some bullshit.

2018-08-11 18:21:00 UTC  

as someone from a country recently shook by a chomo scandal, it fucking disgusts me to the core.

2018-08-11 18:21:12 UTC  

I wanna do a Vlad Tepes on them.

2018-08-11 18:21:24 UTC  

by that I mean impaling them on spikes.

2018-08-11 18:21:46 UTC  

Chomo scandal?

2018-08-11 18:21:53 UTC  

long story

2018-08-11 18:22:04 UTC  

a father found out his daughter was being sol

2018-08-11 18:22:14 UTC  

and whacked some of the pedos

2018-08-11 18:22:19 UTC  

and shit hit the fan

2018-08-11 18:22:52 UTC  

now his sister is in the US, in a federal prison afaik, waiting for extradition

2018-08-11 18:27:35 UTC  

Christ, it's everywhere isn't it. I wonder if it's always been there under our noses and we are becoming more aware of it now, or if they are just getting more blatant and bold about their activities knowing nothing will be done about it. I heard a story from the UK where a muslim rape gang called the girls father off her phone so he could hear it taking place, and he rushed to the police where they did absolutely nothing. Some fathers got together to go kick the door in and soon as they arrived the cops were on the scene immediately, arresting the fathers and leaving the girls in the house with the men.

2018-08-11 18:28:55 UTC  

What pisses me off about the case in my country, is that a lot of shitheads made nice cash from the tragedy of the family, forming a political party, and embezzeling money under the guise of collecting funds to pay the legal fees.

2018-08-11 18:29:26 UTC  

whilst the parents of the woman facing extradition are left to die pretty much.

2018-08-11 18:30:00 UTC  

Holy shit i am reading it now, this goes insanely deep.

2018-08-11 18:30:15 UTC  

there was a sort of memorial service for the girl that was taken from them, one of the fuckfaces said that her grandparents should be put in front of the firing squad.

2018-08-11 18:30:17 UTC  

Honestly in the UK, At this point if they're arresting you for defending your family, Attack the fuckin police if they try to arrest you

2018-08-11 18:31:22 UTC  

and Neringa picked the worst spot to hide, Chicago houses the biggest Lithuanian immigrant community in the States.

2018-08-11 18:32:13 UTC  

So this neringa is one of the people who busted it wide open, and they are trying to have her extradited to silence her?

2018-08-11 18:32:18 UTC  


2018-08-11 18:32:34 UTC  

I can't believe this isn't bigger news