Message from @Hakaider
Discord ID: 479458293979545623
be ready folks
Dont let your families become victims
Im feeling we are in for more of a world civil war than anything
if shit pops off its going to spiral out of control fast since the globalists act as a monolith across every European founded nation on the globe
I'm ready I got water canned/dried food and enough guns for me and a few friends
The real question is,.. slug barrel or nah?
The fact us americans have more guns than some nations militaries is going to be a blessing considering they already disarmed many western nations
@Lefse best to have more than one tool at your disposal
ive got a g3 for long range, ak for mid and a 92 for close
10k rounds of various
Steal from Liberals
No mercy
Liberals only understand the fist, then i will only provide the fist
*when the time comes, pls no FBI
Don't worry the FBI is a bunch of retards
AK and a G23, probably gonna swap it for a 19
Got an SKS also
Good hunting rifle but not for combat these days.
what the hell
Iām guessing he had something on his Twitter
he's dead though
for 4 years
Banning a dead man
is this get live?
dah get is libb
whats the q webaddres
shit wait
this aint it
how do i live stream like how he does? is he using an app or something