Message from @BeerySwine
Discord ID: 479749828000088104
I always found this video remarkable. They pack like 200 dudes into these little boats, and the first european ship they see they slam themselves into and try to scurry onboard so they have to take them to shore
Ironically the piracy problem has done us some good in international relations. US Navy SEALs rescued North Koreans once. We now fight pirates alongside PLA Marines too.
Guess I need to get myself a small sailboat and fly a German or French flag in the Mediterranean
I kinda feel bad about this. I'm not heartless. it must have been a bad way to go..... They made their choice and they paid for it.
I have zero sympathy
I cannot bring myself to feel upset over a boat full of military age men getting themselves killed trying to force europeans to bring them ashore so they can live for free off their taxes and fuck up their cities
When the world doesn't believe your cuck ideology so you have to commit suicide by mudshit to prove it to them:
So I'm reading about the N word tape
yeah. I'm not and never said let them into europe.
They're going nuts over it
Nevermind the fact that JFK, LBJ, and FDR said it THOUSANDS of times
So is this stupid thing real?
It’s only bad when someone right of liberalism does it, by their logic.
I doubt it
All of a sudden, it's kindergarten shit, "but he called me dumb"
Every other shit smearing campaign failed
Russia, etc
it's the most petty accusation ever. This omarosa trash gets herself fired for her own behavior then goes to the media and says "He said the N word one time!"
it's like some tattling shit
And now it's "but but but! Trump said nigga!"
*nothing happens*
Drumpfphgh is finished
How will he ever recover
b-b-b-but . . . he said ennwerd . . . .
Here's how Bernie can still become president
Can you fucking imagine how long ago our civilization would of toppled if this is how we've always conducted ourselves?
"Forget the invaders! charlemagne said sand people!"
If Thomas Edison said nigga then they would demand we live without lightbulbs
@Augustus um that's actually how they already think
But muh Crusades
But muh Inquisition
Protip: if there was a recording of Trump saying "nigger" in ANY context, the fair market value for this item would run into the hundreds of millions. Yet, no *TAEP* release.
Remember Obama making excuses for ISIS
i'm saying if our ancestors acted this way we would've never gotten off the ground
"But you know, um, uh...Christians too, have...uh...the Crusades"
Yeah, those crusades where kingdoms that were at eachothers throats had to stop fighting to band together because the muslim invasions were so out of control
how dare those Europeans defend themselves from constant aggression
"Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius."
Theres a time line map of the crusade battles compared to muslim conquests, it's fucking jaw dropping i need to find it