Message from @Hakaider
Discord ID: 484785858981920772
ok so am i to understand that the 3 extremists in NM are going to be released without any charges?
I guess so, yeah.
what the fuck
See Ragnarok's post in <#444628746788536330> for the whole muzzie training compound thing
Alright which one of you did this shit
That's an insult to Jews to be compared to that trash that is New York City.
I've only been to JFK
A lot of Muslims
God that shit is so expensive
Looks awesome but I could never get into it for those prices
which one
its a free game mane
Except for the add ons
lots of addons
just sign up for the newsletter and it’ll link to your steam account
I mean the minis
Important question. Should I start a PETA shitposting page along the lines of ODL?
re: warhammer game
why pay exorbitant amounts for pay-to-play games
when you could pay exorbitant amounts to go mountain climbing or something
or learn to fly
or a gym membership
We have to go back
I have an army, I need to find a new group to play with, or start to rework some of it. I built it for 7th, but it doesn't work for 8th
what army
Warhammer army. Space Marines
eh ok
Have an awesome 7th Fists army
Fists army
I love Warhammer, but my area doesn’t have any good people to play with. Mostly the dirty nerds that don’t shower and probably voted for Bernie.