Message from @Charles Mills
Discord ID: 485482112099811339
Just psyops, they’ll probably quietly release them in a few months when the furor dies down
San Bernardino 2.0
Is draining the swamp late first term or 2nd term scenario?
I just drained the swamp. Feel much lighter now.
I thought CZ75s were neat already
That thing is slick
Wtf I love DeSantis now
just finished a 12 hour shift
I work with cows and I accidentally killed a calf yesterday trying to relieve its bloat. Had to drink a few beers in its memory afterwards.
Also Canadian tariffs on dairy should die
Apparently pointing out that Grande is clearly uncomfortable and being molested is a zuccable offense
See y'all in 30days
RIP civilization
@Stormbreaker I saw that. Reportedly they'll be starting again in a week or two
I feel bad for you guys really. I have a deep respect for most Canadians, but Trudeau is screwing you royally
He's a fucking cuck
We're in a bad spot on trade. We have a trade surplus with the US, but if Trump made it even like he wants it'd gut large area of our economy. Everytime we've gotten close to a deal Trudeau comes in with his stupid gender policy demanding that there be the same number of men and women at the table and it ruins it.
That Social Justice crap he keeps peddling is gonna get you guys a very bad deal
Like, Iran Nuke Deal bad
Tell me about it.
His big screw up is now he'd spent 4.5 billion dollars on an oil pipeline that's now been blocked. The american company he bought it from is laughing to the bank