Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 491759342224146433
Maybe they think if they take away our meme templates
We can't turn the normies
Well, they already are twisting our history. So maybe memes is their next plan hence the AR13/11 from EU too
why did the semen cross the road?
... because I put on the wrong sock.
So this girl is a professional #metoo slut accuser?
I thought she was being weird by holding the letter
Turns out she was trying to hide them being retards
Okay I think this shit is getting out of hand
what a shit show
Mario cart high tier
Nigga what???
ah Don't Feed The Gamers....... I remember when they were a meme page.
I see nothing wrong with Bert and Ernie being homosexual
It’s been hinted at for years in the show
Yet the people who own the show clearly stated they are not
It's also been clear that they sleep separately
Faggots don't sleep apart
Except when one of them is in jail for domestic violence or drugs, quite common in the community
Hello New York Times, I’d like to report some false information from the New York Times
Big mood.
Good. Honestly I'd hate to be the PR guy who has to keep explaining this
The whole faggotry lesson to kids is sexual grooming
That's all it is