Message from @Ehzek
Discord ID: 492065770558324772
^They are so fucked and they know it
4 senators vs the president
They are basically saying get fired please
My grandma posted this
She was a hyperliberal before Trump
Complete flip after 2016
I don't know what happened but now her Facebook is all like, women who obtain abortions should be hanged etc
@Deleted User That is a beautiful redemption arc
What anime is that
I know right
Reminds me of this
I had my redemption arc, where's my Panzerfaust?
I was looking for that meme of what she did
Also the people that she claims were ate the party 3 have said they werent there and NONE have backed her up.
At this point I dont think she deserves to speak
My shitposting meter is full for the time being
Are you sure?
I take things like that as a challenge
I mean, you are still a fucking moron but, yeah...
I already got banned from 2 different "shitposting" channels
Same thing happened to the Pope. As much as I already don't like him. First it was, he's gonna change the rules on gays, he's so nice, blah blah blah...then he clarified marriage is between a man and a woman...suddenly media was all over him about pedophile scandals
He's getting salt bae while others are salting their dogs
And of course in the comments they say that this is not true socialism
It's never true socialism to these degenerates until they are on their knees at the lip of a mass grave
It's kinda ironic
At some point we need to outlaw socialism
I don't know if its going to require a constitutional convention