Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 492071602276794388
My shitposting meter is full for the time being
Are you sure?
I take things like that as a challenge
I mean, you are still a fucking moron but, yeah...
I already got banned from 2 different "shitposting" channels
Same thing happened to the Pope. As much as I already don't like him. First it was, he's gonna change the rules on gays, he's so nice, blah blah blah...then he clarified marriage is between a man and a woman...suddenly media was all over him about pedophile scandals
He's getting salt bae while others are salting their dogs
And of course in the comments they say that this is not true socialism
It's never true socialism to these degenerates until they are on their knees at the lip of a mass grave
It's kinda ironic
At some point we need to outlaw socialism
I don't know if its going to require a constitutional convention
Then again I'm getting black pilled to the point about not caring about muh constitution
Socialism and communism, by doctrine, definition, and historical example, ALWAYS require a violent overthrow of the government by an insurgent army. Which is clearly illegal.
Any of y'all nighas into warhammer? Just curious
I ask bc I'm just painting while discording
No, I'm not rich enough
Keeps me sane in clown world
If I had that kind of money I'd just raise a real army
It is fucking expensive but I cut out drinking so I just replace one for another
Costs about the same
@acarson You won't get banned from here.
Also fight me fegit
And let me know when you want to form the first Brony Inquisition. I fuckin hate em all
I'm into WH40K but mostly on vidya side, not enough money here in greece for the tabletop haha
well I could probably afford it if I wasn't smoking though <:thinking:445724717450526731>
Smoking is for black people
They should be called niggerettes
And gays
These bitches are like me when I was a kid "Mom someone called" Who? "I don't remember" what did they want? "I don't remember". Like bitch if it was that traumatic you'd remember
It's the last thing I have for keeping me sane though
Drink instead
Drinking is the healthiest thing
I remember where my rack was in the cop of Afghanistan and I could draw a diagram to this day. GTFO here bitch
Cuts down every major cause of death including driving unless you're an idiot who drives drunk