Message from @Iakovos

Discord ID: 494967536052469774

2018-09-27 18:40:01 UTC  

There is a familiarity in Rush I can accept as opposed to the smug "owned by facts"/Isreael First style of Ben Shapiro

2018-09-27 18:54:51 UTC  

I do check out Steven Crowder on occasion. His stuff is on in the evening for my time though.

2018-09-27 18:55:15 UTC  

I also listen to Sean Hannity on the drive home. Which is about 20 minutes.

2018-09-27 18:58:00 UTC  

I like to drop in and listen to Mark Levine almost blow his porch light

2018-09-27 18:58:08 UTC  

That dude gets so amped up

2018-09-27 18:58:48 UTC  

Haha I think I’ve only listened to him like once.

2018-09-27 19:00:28 UTC  

He's a smart guy with a sharp legal mind and not as much of a shill for muh greatest ally

2018-09-27 19:01:00 UTC  

Crowder is too milquetoast for me. Like when he confronted that antifa creep IRL, dude put hands on him. He could have hauled off and kicked the shit out of him

2018-09-27 19:01:11 UTC  

Instead he just keeps filming and taunting. I don't play that homie

2018-09-27 19:13:11 UTC  

Jeez kavanaugh is furious

2018-09-27 19:20:57 UTC  

Yeah I’d like to see Crowder use them workout muscles and beat someone’s ass.

2018-09-27 19:21:24 UTC  

Oh I need to hear Kav...

2018-09-27 20:01:04 UTC  

Man I'm in the middle of something and can't watch

2018-09-27 20:16:03 UTC  

You ok @Deleted User ?

2018-09-27 20:21:22 UTC  

Yeah I'm alive just in the middle of stuff and can't watch the hearing right now

2018-09-27 20:23:41 UTC  

You know what?

2018-09-27 20:23:46 UTC  

Fuck Swedes

2018-09-27 20:23:54 UTC  

Every last one of them.

2018-09-27 20:24:09 UTC  

The went from being Paragons of the White race.

2018-09-27 20:24:13 UTC  

Worshipping thor

2018-09-27 20:24:16 UTC  

believing in Valkryie

2018-09-27 20:24:24 UTC  

and admittedly, their women are the most beautiful.

2018-09-27 20:24:25 UTC  


2018-09-27 20:24:31 UTC  

They love minorities.

2018-09-27 20:24:38 UTC  

You know what that Swede I was talking to said?

2018-09-27 20:24:47 UTC  

"I like helping minorities more than white people."

2018-09-27 20:24:56 UTC  

I said

2018-09-27 20:25:14 UTC  

You need to be productive in society or else you are economically worthless. (Not as a human being, but as a financial tax burden.)

2018-09-27 20:25:17 UTC  

And she cringed.

2018-09-27 20:25:26 UTC  

She doesn't think you need to be productive for society to function.

2018-09-27 20:25:33 UTC  

"Our beliefs clash wayy to much."

2018-09-27 20:25:35 UTC  


2018-09-27 20:25:40 UTC  

you're just an entitled spoiled bitch.

2018-09-27 20:25:50 UTC  

She admitted BOTH parents make 120k a year.

2018-09-27 20:26:17 UTC  

She's out of touch, who thinks money grows on fucking trees. And here I am, riding 2 buses to get to school, 2 buses back+Walking a mile to get home

2018-09-27 20:26:18 UTC  

Fuck that shit

2018-09-27 20:26:18 UTC  


2018-09-27 20:26:53 UTC  

I've pulled myself up from my boot straps, and am still working upwards. God damn. Being productive? It's how society functions, that and loving other races more than your own. Blasphemy

2018-09-27 20:27:03 UTC  
2018-09-27 20:32:41 UTC  

Once again I am alone. I am empty. I am the wolf in search of a pack, or a goddess among men capable of building one with me.

2018-09-27 20:36:10 UTC  

Happened to me