Message from @Nagob Eot
Discord ID: 497301289722576896
of course I can't see anything if you delet
Mmmm, indeed
I can see who made the reactions now. One guy has been removed already
The guy who started that reaction chain 👌
shit i was looking forward to bibble stoody
Damn was stoked for it too, haven't opened my bible in years unfortunately. Do you guys use the KJV?
Oh you mean Sir Ken probably
It appears to be pretty non-denominational so whatever version you use will probably be fine unless you're a Jehovah's Witness or something
It will be postponed tonight as his internet is currently out
It's cancelled till next week, due to internet being out for 4 days in my area
trump literally raped me with his test message
What is bible study?
Are we actually following the teachings of the lord or are we just shitposting in chat?
Either way I'm happy.
Also I hope I didn't interrupt you playing destiny 2 Sir Ken
Sorry if I did
@Nagob Eot Ken grabs a lesson and some questions that make us think about the things discussed. We then talk about it. It's a group discussion format, different from sitting in church and listening. It is extremely laid back. We also go off on tangents as we talk about whatever questions we have about how this Christian stuff works. Insightful people always show up. We don't judge - this ain't your liberal church downtown. I enjoy the heck out of it
GREAT! Thanks for the info good sir! I look forward to a night of this. My Schedule is kinda weird but, I look forward to doing this one day. Thank you for the information sir!
I would also like to add just so no one else has to ask pin this to the channel because it is most informative and good to know. Thank you all for your time.
@Nagob Eot was playing destiny on my hotspot lmao
are you free tomorrow night?
Fuck. I slept through the bible study
Lucky for you, Ken has internet problems so it didn’t happen.
I slept for like 12 hours
@fsmetal Its so sad for me that that cuck is Canadian, he kicked the girl in Toronto.
@Deleted User unfortunately no. I have a prior engagement that I have planned with friends. Then I work the next five days and I work third shift so it's going to be tough for me to try and get in. :/
@Deleted User Bolsonaro is /ourguy/ without a doubt