Message from @NekoIstKrieg

Discord ID: 501555444393967636

2018-10-16 00:34:31 UTC  


2018-10-16 00:35:14 UTC  

Us electing Trump is a huge victory against the establishment Dems and republicans that would rather manage America’s decline rather than make it even greater

2018-10-16 00:35:41 UTC  

We won a beachhead, nothing more. This year is the big one

2018-10-16 00:35:55 UTC  

But we can’t grow complacent

2018-10-16 00:36:36 UTC  

Narcissus is also the biggest IRL chad on the admin team so give him respecc ninjas

2018-10-16 00:37:13 UTC  

The republicans have two major issues, they never keep up the pressure when ahead, and never stick with one strategy

2018-10-16 00:37:17 UTC  


2018-10-16 00:37:53 UTC  

(Locks heels, gives straight, crisp salute)
(salute gets batted down) "Not here. Not yet."

2018-10-16 00:38:29 UTC  

should we begin assasinating key republicans and replacing them with shitlords?

2018-10-16 00:38:46 UTC  

I would NEVER publicly endorse such a thing

2018-10-16 00:38:47 UTC  

At least we should make them fear us

2018-10-16 00:39:02 UTC  

McCancer died, and they found their balls

2018-10-16 00:39:31 UTC  

at least we should dehumanize establishment republicans

2018-10-16 00:39:35 UTC  

Just look and Lindsey Graham

2018-10-16 00:39:59 UTC  

We have to break up that leftist voting block

2018-10-16 00:40:08 UTC  

Nothing else matters

2018-10-16 00:40:48 UTC  

The republicans have been assaulted and shot at, and did nothing to help their cause

2018-10-16 00:41:14 UTC  

But you break the left's foundation, and the senate hold, that is their power

2018-10-16 00:41:31 UTC  

Senate race is HUGE

2018-10-16 00:41:45 UTC  

so huge

2018-10-16 00:42:16 UTC  


2018-10-16 00:42:53 UTC  

Agreed. But fortunately im predicting we net 4 seats

2018-10-16 00:43:11 UTC  

The left clings to the Senate as a prize for there are few, and they hold themselves to be more powerful than they are

2018-10-16 00:43:45 UTC  

You crack the dems few rational nonviolent members and switch them to our side and brutally destroy what’s left of the Democratic Party

2018-10-16 00:43:55 UTC  

No “being the better person” bullshit

2018-10-16 00:44:06 UTC  

We can take the gain of +4 in the senate, and push for a supermajority in the house in 2020

2018-10-16 00:44:20 UTC

2018-10-16 00:44:42 UTC  

And we need more memes

2018-10-16 00:45:14 UTC  

Republicans are losers because they think just believing that they’re better will magically spirit them to victory.

2018-10-16 00:45:33 UTC

2018-10-16 00:45:39 UTC  

Trump understands the value of counterpunching

2018-10-16 00:45:41 UTC  

Crusades when?

2018-10-16 00:45:56 UTC

2018-10-16 00:46:17 UTC  

my big problem with republicans is that they are republicans. The republic exists only for the God Emperor to overthrow it

2018-10-16 00:46:22 UTC  

All you ninjas need to read the art of war

2018-10-16 00:46:24 UTC

2018-10-16 00:46:51 UTC  

not those stormtroopers. they'll miss everything

2018-10-16 00:46:59 UTC

2018-10-16 00:47:03 UTC  

Look! From out of the floorboards! Posters!

2018-10-16 00:47:10 UTC

2018-10-16 00:47:20 UTC  

Key concepts: knowing yourself and your enemy, knowing when to attack and when not to attack, utilizing spies