Message from @TheKekscernist

Discord ID: 501557836678168577

2018-10-16 00:45:39 UTC  

Trump understands the value of counterpunching

2018-10-16 00:45:41 UTC  

Crusades when?

2018-10-16 00:45:56 UTC

2018-10-16 00:46:17 UTC  

my big problem with republicans is that they are republicans. The republic exists only for the God Emperor to overthrow it

2018-10-16 00:46:22 UTC  

All you ninjas need to read the art of war

2018-10-16 00:46:24 UTC

2018-10-16 00:46:51 UTC  

not those stormtroopers. they'll miss everything

2018-10-16 00:46:59 UTC

2018-10-16 00:47:03 UTC  

Look! From out of the floorboards! Posters!

2018-10-16 00:47:10 UTC

2018-10-16 00:47:20 UTC  

Key concepts: knowing yourself and your enemy, knowing when to attack and when not to attack, utilizing spies

2018-10-16 00:47:37 UTC  

@Deleted User Nuke Toronto next 😄

2018-10-16 00:49:16 UTC  

Here's a white pill for ya:
We're starting to turn the tide in the Hollywood front. They are making flop after flop to the point where one studio has resorted to using the SAG Union pay scale for their actors

2018-10-16 00:49:53 UTC  

In short, keep using the Chinese on that front, bankrupt them

2018-10-16 00:50:37 UTC  

Paramount is really struggling the most. they lost 12 billion last year

2018-10-16 00:50:45 UTC  

no profit

2018-10-16 00:50:50 UTC  

China is on check, Sao paul Forum is collapsing

2018-10-16 00:51:03 UTC  

we are winning and we are not getting bored of it

2018-10-16 00:51:21 UTC  

didn't trump say we'd be tired of winning?

2018-10-16 00:51:34 UTC  

I haven won enough

2018-10-16 00:51:46 UTC  

I mean, let's think about that for a moment

2018-10-16 00:51:50 UTC  

Once we have won, we need to mop em up

2018-10-16 00:52:03 UTC  

Consider a scenario where you go around and ride all the world's top roller coasters

2018-10-16 00:52:09 UTC  

You have seen the figurative mountaintop

2018-10-16 00:52:18 UTC  

Thank you for the white pill I’ve almost OD’d on black ones lately

2018-10-16 00:52:23 UTC  

or at least, you see new, slightly higher mountaintops occasionally

2018-10-16 00:52:31 UTC  

after a while you'd get tired of it

2018-10-16 00:52:43 UTC  

but you would still be on the most badass roller coasters in the world

2018-10-16 00:53:26 UTC  

The Left are basically all the tiny emaciated indigenous people down below, watching you ride that badass roller coaster, tears in their eyes

2018-10-16 00:53:31 UTC  


2018-10-16 00:53:31 UTC  

and you get to laugh at them

2018-10-16 00:53:58 UTC  

In around 7 mins

2018-10-16 00:54:16 UTC  

Yes, you will laugh at them, and that is just as fun as the roller coaster, honestly. It's a feeling you wouldn't trade for anything. Like a perpetual orgasm, or tard happy

2018-10-16 00:55:09 UTC  

I think this war with it's "no violence" rule of engagement is making us powerful in ways we could have never anticipated

2018-10-16 00:56:02 UTC  


2018-10-16 00:56:30 UTC  

We're better at it then they are.

2018-10-16 00:57:01 UTC  

we are able to intuit that whoever fires the first shot loses

2018-10-16 00:57:42 UTC  

this is why the unhinged Left and guns don't bother me

2018-10-16 00:57:46 UTC

2018-10-16 00:58:14 UTC  


2018-10-16 00:58:28 UTC  

Sees dog drinking from water bowl