Message from @Kittys

Discord ID: 503439525993906179

2018-10-21 05:22:44 UTC  

right wing however responds directly to contrarian arguments

2018-10-21 05:22:52 UTC  

"Vote Blue!" I'm damn well gonna vote Red

2018-10-21 05:23:55 UTC  

A winning strategy would be for the Democrats to take a moderate stance that focuses on popular issues like single payer healthcare and lower student loans and better infrastructure, shit like that

2018-10-21 05:24:02 UTC  

but they'll never do that

2018-10-21 05:24:21 UTC  


2018-10-21 05:24:28 UTC  

or worse

2018-10-21 05:24:31 UTC  

identity politics

2018-10-21 05:24:34 UTC  


2018-10-21 05:24:43 UTC  

I'm convinced identity politics is a poison pill fed to the dems

2018-10-21 05:25:18 UTC  

It literally cuts out entire segments of the possible voting demographic from the onset and only gets worse the more specific you get

2018-10-21 05:25:35 UTC  

Probably true. They really think demonizing the majority of the country works because it gets positive media coverage but the media doesn’t decide shit in elections

2018-10-21 05:25:47 UTC  

"All men have privilege" there goes 50% of your voting block right there.

2018-10-21 05:26:25 UTC  

Even normally apolitical people start getting alarmed when the fuck whitey and gibs reparations rhetoric gets turned up to 11

2018-10-21 05:26:28 UTC  

"White people will never understand black people problems" you just made sure every white person will tune you out

2018-10-21 05:26:48 UTC  

if I can never understand black people problems the fuck am I gonna care about them then

2018-10-21 05:27:17 UTC  

What am I gonna say, "Oh I don't understand this but I guess it's true because my white person brain is too dumb to get it."

2018-10-21 05:27:43 UTC  

Trump has literally made Democrats defend genocide in Africa, MS-13, and diseased pornstars

2018-10-21 05:27:58 UTC  

I just hope it’s enough to sway normies

2018-10-21 05:28:30 UTC  

99% of people’s newsfeed/tv consumption is just lefty propaganda

2018-10-21 05:28:37 UTC  

yeah that's another thing

2018-10-21 05:28:56 UTC  

when you hear a lie repeated it doesn't become truth it becomes OLD NEWS

2018-10-21 05:29:14 UTC  

no one cares what TRUMP FARTED ON this year

2018-10-21 05:29:32 UTC  

However they do care when Trump stops a 6 decade long armed conflict

2018-10-21 05:41:51 UTC  

Alright, let's push out some false news

2018-10-21 05:41:59 UTC  

Who should we target today lads

2018-10-21 05:42:21 UTC  

I think we should target BBC

2018-10-21 05:42:46 UTC  


2018-10-21 05:43:00 UTC  

Why not

2018-10-21 05:43:44 UTC  

We need to do an ultimate shitpost to get their attention

2018-10-21 05:44:45 UTC  

My idea is pretend to be someone who works in the White House who hates Trump, and 'leak' false info to CNN and BBC

2018-10-21 05:45:34 UTC  

Say that we knew about the death of that Saudi dude, and we ain't planning to do shit since Trump secretly has investments there

2018-10-21 05:45:49 UTC  

nah that's boring

2018-10-21 05:45:55 UTC  

also no one gives a shit about the BBC

2018-10-21 05:46:08 UTC  

Alright, CNN then

2018-10-21 05:46:19 UTC  

nah they're milked harder than my ex-wifes tits

2018-10-21 05:46:27 UTC  

Iof sadly true

2018-10-21 05:46:31 UTC  

who was that Kurt guy

2018-10-21 05:46:50 UTC  

Nickelodeon is doing better in ratings then CNN lmao

2018-10-21 05:46:51 UTC  

the journalist who did that story and got sent threatening epilepsy triggering gifs

2018-10-21 05:47:07 UTC  

I know who you're talking about

2018-10-21 05:47:14 UTC  

Can't remember the name tho