Message from @TheKekscernist
Discord ID: 509023214215626763
He was probably my most hated yt guy outside of fred but he is seriously turning everything around
Granted it would be better if he hosted Alex Jones and got banned. That would cause a massive outrage
Felt the exact same way myself
Hated the guy, then he said nigga
Idk enough about pewdiepie
Speaking of Alex Jones, Styxhexenhammer said he is going to be on Infowars soon
Checkmate nazis
NPCNN watchers triggered!!!
Does anyone know of any ways to make money online
No one is hiring near me due to my near-nothing experience and my wallet got cobwebs at this point
@Deleted User I'm Indian and I can confirm this.
@Moncher join the army, go work at a prison, or work at Walmart. All three hire with no experience. Don't make excuses.
Pls rember
I'm not even mad
That is some ingenuity there
Based and redpilled
Mattis said he might get rid of picking up trash and painting rocks
let me know when he gets rid of powerpoint
How do you epicly own a libtard
I have returned on the eve of this great battle
The enemy outnumber us a paltry three to one; good odds for any pede. Tomorrow we rescue a world from mysticism and tyranny, and usher in a future brighter than anything we could imagine!
Hey Thornberry, been awhile
(loads M1)
Its been awhile old boi
Meditating these past few months