Message from @Saii Aizuke
Discord ID: 509541437142990883
lel nice
but we need a fucking cruz missile already
im scared for cruz
Lion Ted 🦁 pull through
o rouke is winning but valdez is losing?
tx has 1% reporting my guy
beautiful Ted
hell win EZPZ
Teddy will win this.
He better
cmon boiz, i want to walk into work tomorrow morining with the same strut i had in the presidential election
big cities already reported right?
that beto boy is a billionaire getting money
they are all libs there
from commiefornia
And i will never have to hear the name beto again
and nazi york
wtf is that
once the big cities are reported in, Beto is done
FL got another seat
The cali cuck I know went quiet
guys, jump in live chat and listen in
will when I get to the gym
Sitting with liberal family
Laughing at them
laughing about what?
@tjjdesign What do you mean?
They expected blue tsunami
Palm Beach is finally done reporting at this point
Is that good or bad for the GOP?
good Plm Beach is a bad place
So it increases the likelihood for Scott and DeSantis.