Message from @bluejack

Discord ID: 525581452130254878

2018-12-21 04:15:09 UTC  

Party hardliners felt that Gorbachev and others upstairs were too soft and moving away from the leftist ideal. Too much openness in politics and economy, etc. Like what happened in China after Mao died.

2018-12-21 04:16:24 UTC  

It ended up having the opposite effect. The collapse of the USSR.

2018-12-21 04:17:47 UTC  

KGB sided with the coup, Putin resigned.

2018-12-21 04:27:00 UTC  

So KGB wanted to be more leftist, and Putin resigned because of that?

2018-12-21 04:33:51 UTC  

KGB, state emergency council, a third of the SFSRs, some parts of the army, supported by Libya, Iraq, and North Korea

2018-12-21 05:03:55 UTC

2018-12-21 05:04:00 UTC  

Guess who

2018-12-21 06:07:34 UTC  

I just found out that the house passed the border wall funding, we are pulling outta Syria, and the leader of antifa has be unmasked

2018-12-21 06:36:09 UTC  


2018-12-21 06:36:17 UTC  

I doxxed him and his whole family

2018-12-21 06:36:38 UTC  

His brother works at Democracy Now and his mom is a hardcore femicunt professor at CUNY

2018-12-21 07:22:29 UTC  

he has two other facebook accounts btw

2018-12-21 07:22:52 UTC  

though these two seem inactive

2018-12-21 07:49:32 UTC  

If I fucked dogs I wouldn't use my real name on Facebook

2018-12-21 07:52:17 UTC  

His fetish was horses iirc. Nigga wanted to fuck seabiscuit

2018-12-21 07:52:38 UTC  

“B-but anime is worse guys, right?”

2018-12-21 07:52:50 UTC  

Used to pose mlp porn when this place had a lewd channel

2018-12-21 07:53:02 UTC  

and then would argue about how "horsewife is best wife" as he put it

2018-12-21 07:53:03 UTC  


2018-12-21 07:53:49 UTC  

but I thought he was just into like,...mlp and furry shit. Not actual real life horses...or dogs

2018-12-21 07:54:28 UTC  

Nah he was making arguments as to why a horse would make a better sexual partner than a woman

2018-12-21 07:54:40 UTC  

And trying to get people to agree with him

2018-12-21 07:54:50 UTC  

Well that's disgusting. Bronies are bad enough. Zoophiles are much fucking worse

2018-12-21 07:55:35 UTC  

“XD feminism is bad guys, that’s why we should have animal wives ha ha”

2018-12-21 07:56:11 UTC  

feminism is the big gay. Sexually abusing animals is the bigger gayer

2018-12-21 07:57:04 UTC  

Outside of pedophilia I can’t think of a lower rung on the reprobate ladder

2018-12-21 07:57:26 UTC  

Dudes like him look at people’s pets and get dirty thoughts

2018-12-21 07:57:32 UTC  

Can’t trust them

2018-12-21 07:57:37 UTC  

yeah. If I hate anything more than commies, it's pedos and zoos

2018-12-21 07:57:54 UTC  

zoophiles I mean

2018-12-21 07:59:32 UTC  

did he get kiced out? I have not seen him defend 76 in a while

2018-12-21 08:00:23 UTC  

no he left. it’s a pattern

2018-12-21 08:00:51 UTC  

he’ll probably come back and try to spread his filth again in a couple months

2018-12-21 08:03:17 UTC  

Oh. Shits fucked eitehr way

2018-12-21 08:16:10 UTC  

Yeah he's weird as hell

2018-12-21 08:16:47 UTC  

I'm reading a Reddit by an ex Amish dude and there's a guy talking about a conversation with an Amish who watched a movie projected on the side of a barn at night

2018-12-21 08:44:34 UTC  

Why does Trump need 10 votes in the Senate for the wall? Are a bunh of people on vacation?

2018-12-21 08:57:30 UTC  

To get 60 I guess?

2018-12-21 08:58:19 UTC  

We have 51, how long can it drag out until our new senators take office?