Message from @TheKekscernist

Discord ID: 562379743140380683

2019-04-01 20:36:02 UTC  

What’s NDP? Still don’t know wildling political parties 🤣

2019-04-01 20:41:02 UTC  


2019-04-01 20:42:07 UTC  

I like referring to Canada in GoT beyond the wall terms.

2019-04-01 20:42:28 UTC  

The Canadian girl on another server either doesn’t get it, or just gets pissed about it 🤷🏼‍♂️

2019-04-01 20:43:32 UTC  

New Democratic Party. they're basically the socialist party these days.

before they were supposed to be the party in the middle.

2019-04-01 20:43:54 UTC  

Ah ok

2019-04-01 20:44:46 UTC  

but yeah. they are collapsing on all fronts these days. nice to see

2019-04-01 20:48:24 UTC  

The left will fall on the sword of "multiculturalism"

2019-04-01 20:48:53 UTC  

That which they promote will overcome the puppet masters, and we're starting to see it in the US

2019-04-01 20:49:55 UTC  

Our age group(millennials) were taught to hate everything that built this country.

2019-04-01 20:50:42 UTC  

Some strongholds are exceptions. Colleges just undid all the work though. So trying to be good and educate your children just made us all marxists.

2019-04-01 20:51:33 UTC  

Had the side effect of making us all anti-establishment and anti-authority. Which is backfiring on the leftist overlords.

2019-04-01 20:51:47 UTC  

The conservatives look to make a lot of gains this year in a lot of Leftest areas. New Brunswick looks like it'll be completely Blue too (Canada's colours are reversed)

2019-04-01 20:52:10 UTC  

BC is a battlefield because Trudeau pissed off the asians

2019-04-01 20:53:46 UTC  

Trudeau made Obama look right wing. October cannot come soon enough

2019-04-01 20:54:08 UTC  

Hope you guys get him out. And replaced with better.

2019-04-01 20:54:21 UTC  

not to mention how he ruined our economy

2019-04-01 20:54:55 UTC  

this of course is all first step stuff

2019-04-01 20:55:17 UTC  

we would have been debt free in 2017, now we're 1 trillion dollars in debt

2019-04-01 20:55:40 UTC  

be Generation Zyklon
get the conservatives in control
see that they refuse to do anything for the good of humanity once they have power

2019-04-01 20:56:19 UTC  

late millennials and generation Z are the only hope for humanity

2019-04-01 20:56:52 UTC  

once they see what Democracy gets us, they will have to make the decision to discard it

2019-04-01 20:56:53 UTC  

I see us older millennials as being the guides for the younger, angrier people.

2019-04-01 20:56:56 UTC  

and forge an empire

2019-04-01 20:57:28 UTC  

this fight in Canada is between sjws and boomers who don't pay attention vs, the working class and Gen Z

2019-04-01 20:57:46 UTC  

yeah, this fight

2019-04-01 20:58:18 UTC  

the war will be between the blackpilled and the rank-and-file do-what-we're-told boomers/zoomers

2019-04-01 20:58:51 UTC  

The biggest reason Trudeau got in in 2015 is old people thought he was like his dad.

2019-04-01 20:59:06 UTC  

problem is that no one has any balls to stop immigration and denounce it as bad for your nation

2019-04-01 20:59:13 UTC  

you will be replaced as the electorate

2019-04-01 20:59:54 UTC  

this is how nations fall

2019-04-01 21:00:12 UTC  

only way to turn it around?

2019-04-01 21:00:15 UTC  

Before Trudeau 60% of immigrants were turned away after failing cultural tests.

2019-04-01 21:00:21 UTC  

its how we did things.

2019-04-01 21:00:25 UTC  

This needs to be the generation of resolve to do something drastic and utterly radical

2019-04-01 21:00:49 UTC  

yeah like I say, watch social justice continue to guide you even after conservatives take power again

2019-04-01 21:02:53 UTC  

they'll try, but at least we'll get some breathing room to take action.

getting us out of the UN migration treaty is top of the agenda for the cons.

2019-04-01 21:03:52 UTC  

Too many “principled” conservatives like Shapiro. “I don’t like how Trump tweets, so I’m not voting for him.”

2019-04-01 21:04:08 UTC  

It’s like GTFO jackass.

2019-04-01 21:05:04 UTC  

We cannot even handle the illegals crossing from the US. Canada isn't in a good situation. only 36 million people as of last year

2019-04-01 21:15:37 UTC  

All Brexit Motions were defeated in Parliament, including Confirmatory Referendum, Common Market 2.0 and Customs Union