Message from @Amadeus

Discord ID: 577048195226533888

2019-05-12 04:55:53 UTC  

that'd work if witches had any power, but fortunately they don't

2019-05-12 05:29:53 UTC  

I bet they had a combination of drugs in their system, not just pot.

2019-05-12 05:46:39 UTC  

Oh my God... not only are you a weird pretend Jew, you’re a weed bro too?

2019-05-12 07:01:56 UTC  

Marijuana absolutely does impair your ability to drive

2019-05-12 07:02:06 UTC  

I've only had to work one weed crash ever

2019-05-12 07:02:19 UTC  

But I got a warrant to draw blood and it was sent to the state lab

2019-05-12 07:02:28 UTC  

Only marijuana was in her system

2019-05-12 07:02:37 UTC  

Nigger in case anyone wondered

2019-05-12 07:02:47 UTC  
2019-05-12 07:32:09 UTC  

The irony will be when Soy Wars Episode 9 bombs and their wallets are dry from spending it all to keep babykilling legal.

2019-05-12 07:42:07 UTC  

I seriously doubt Star Wars episode ix is going to bomb. I expect iot to be a much better film than TLJ was. Couldn't be much worse

2019-05-12 07:42:45 UTC  

i am interested in waht will happen

2019-05-12 07:42:57 UTC  

to see how they go from the trainwreck that was TLJ

2019-05-12 07:55:39 UTC  

I want to see it just to see how JJ tries to fix the train wreck that Rian left him with

2019-05-12 07:56:11 UTC  

That, alone, has me curious enough to see the film.

2019-05-12 07:57:12 UTC  

This trilogy had potential. I lile The Force Awakens. It's similar to A New Hope but it's well made and entertaining. The new characers are likeable enough, and it downlays SJW nonsense. The Last Jedi doesn't, but that's the least of its problems

2019-05-12 08:01:44 UTC  

the writing in TLJ us just...fucking awful. Shit that is inconsistent. Shit that makes no sense. Characters doing shit that's out of character with their long established personalities. One major plotline that goes no where and accomplishes absolutely fucking nothing. Oh and the pacing sucks too

2019-05-12 08:23:30 UTC  

TLJ gets worse the more you look into it lol

2019-05-12 08:27:27 UTC  

It really does. The more I thought aobut it, the more I realized just how awful it was

2019-05-12 09:13:36 UTC  

TFA was a trash ANH remake with (human) diversity and little character development. The more I watched it, the dumber it got.
I nearly left the theater for TLJ because it was so bad

2019-05-12 09:15:26 UTC  

Star Wars needs more alien representation outside of comical sideshows.

2019-05-12 09:16:17 UTC  

It is a galaxy far far away isn't it?

2019-05-12 09:17:03 UTC  

The recent GoT episodes look like the TLJ writers got a hold of the show.

2019-05-12 10:15:02 UTC  

Yeah they gave the GoT writers a trilogy with the TLJ writer helping them.

2019-05-12 10:27:40 UTC  

Happy Mother's day guys

2019-05-12 10:28:06 UTC  

we need to work hard to preserve the Importance of the Mother and the Father roles in a nuclear family

2019-05-12 10:28:17 UTC  

never forget it and never let the liberals win

2019-05-12 12:53:59 UTC  

Most moms on mother's day: I'll sleep in and have family make me breakfast

My mom on mother's day: It's gardening time! She's been digging since 6am with the two dogs

2019-05-12 13:36:32 UTC  

Happy Sunday children

2019-05-12 13:45:09 UTC

2019-05-12 13:52:58 UTC  

When there's a 40% chance you won't make it to trial

2019-05-12 14:29:44 UTC  


2019-05-12 15:14:57 UTC  

@Deleted User you sure she couldn't drive because she's literally retarded, and not because she was high?

2019-05-12 15:23:03 UTC  

@Andrules I don't pretend to be a Jew, I am not a Jew. I am not a weed bro, either. I'm actually informed about the matter and there's literally nothing to suggest that people under the influence of marijuana alone are at any increased risk of crashing. The anecdotal black woman Ragnarok found at a crash that was under the influence of marijuana alone was likely to crash anyway. Lots of people crash because they're just shitty drivers. I wouldn't expect somebody that uses the word "n1gg3r" to expect they be any good at driving.

2019-05-12 15:24:21 UTC  

reduce government where we can, and drivers under the influence of marijuana aren't a safety risk.

2019-05-12 15:26:44 UTC  

high on what? heroin?

2019-05-12 15:27:28 UTC  

stop putting heroin in his weed, then, and he'll stop nodding out on his way home

2019-05-12 15:28:55 UTC  

weed isn't like alcohol. you don't stumble.