Message from @Ehzek

Discord ID: 580942360632885273

2019-05-23 01:15:20 UTC  

Ah that's cool

2019-05-23 01:16:10 UTC

2019-05-23 01:18:01 UTC  

he says the country is beautiful but the Russian and Turkish threat clouds over everything. you mention either nation and the whole room will go dead.

2019-05-23 01:18:14 UTC  

Yeah they are in a bad spot

2019-05-23 01:18:32 UTC  

I think they are trying to westernize so much that they have to view Russia as bad

2019-05-23 01:19:15 UTC  

I wouldn't be surprised if there's a secret initiation rite for NATO where you have to spit on a Russian flag

2019-05-23 01:20:24 UTC  

he also want's to visit Ohio some day. a baptist missionary from Ohio apparently saved his life once as a kid and he wants to find him and repay him somehow.

2019-05-23 01:21:30 UTC  

That's crazy

2019-05-23 01:21:34 UTC  

Sounds like a movie

2019-05-23 01:23:55 UTC  

His words. "I'm a dumb kid who thinks tanks in a active warzone are cool and I run out into the street to see it. sure enough it belongs to the muslims and before they can shoot me a white man grabs me and bolts into the nearby house"

2019-05-23 01:24:40 UTC  

but yeah. he's a good guy

2019-05-23 01:25:18 UTC  

Africans near the coasts are generally pretty good, the farther you go inland is when the tribalism starts

2019-05-23 01:28:13 UTC  

also make some of the most passionate Christians because its sometimes all they have

2019-05-23 01:42:46 UTC  


2019-05-23 01:55:18 UTC

2019-05-23 01:55:33 UTC  

these are the whores who are enraged by the abortion ban

2019-05-23 01:57:09 UTC  

they are monsters.

2019-05-23 01:58:40 UTC  

they truly are

2019-05-23 02:02:24 UTC  

Those pics will get you zucced

2019-05-23 02:13:05 UTC  

You heard the ma'am mark them mother bitchs

2019-05-23 02:17:32 UTC  

Man they are all already gone. Cant find shit

2019-05-23 02:38:42 UTC  

My god

2019-05-23 02:38:45 UTC  

How awful

2019-05-23 02:39:27 UTC  

Social media has given the most retarded a soap box upon which to stand

2019-05-23 02:56:06 UTC  
2019-05-23 02:56:10 UTC  
2019-05-23 02:56:15 UTC  


2019-05-23 02:57:00 UTC  


2019-05-23 02:57:05 UTC  


2019-05-23 07:43:03 UTC  

Fucking hell man I can barely even look at Facebook anymore the leftists have gone completely batshit. They can't comprehend anything that is happening in front of them and in their confusion they lash out angrily... They accuse every person that's not a socialist fucktard of being Nazis. I literally just saw a comment from an idiotic liberal accusing conservatives of being anti Christian???? They all think Trump is some crime boss and he's covering up his massive amount of crimes that for some reason have never been heard of or brought up in his entire life until now. They seem to think that congressional oversight means complete and utter control over the entire government and ability to subpoena anything they want from anybody with no reason or recourse and if you don't agree your obstructing justice.... What fucking justice.... There has to be a crime for justice to be enacted, and there has to be justing being enacted in order to obstruct it. These people are mentally unstable and incapable of thoughts not directly shoved down their throats like the big black dicks they have plastered all over every fucking channel of everything. They are literally asking for things they know they have no legal rights to, just so that when they are told no they can make a big scene and convince more fucktards that they are doing good... It's sickening at this point. Too much. How are we supposed to handle and process this information. The Democratic party is literally twisting every aspect of reality for the ultimate goal of destroying us for a larger cause(globalism and control)

2019-05-23 08:24:10 UTC  

If it gets worse they will just keep losing

2019-05-23 08:25:32 UTC  

In this form they are lashing out far too much and just destroying themselves. Their only platform at the moment is that they arent Trump. Considering all the records he is setting, that isnt a good thing.

2019-05-23 08:50:22 UTC  

It doesn't matter much if the majority of people are deceived into believing that he, and us, is the enemy. It's just hard for me to accept that so many people just buy into what they're told with no research... I get accused of being a racist Nazi inbred(I'm from Mississippi) super privileged religious bigot white supremacist that was activated by Trump... I woke up before Trump came along though. Obama did this. He made me an enemy because of my skin. He made me disgusted by Democrats. He made me realize that globalists are literally trying to destroy our nation through the Democratic party. They can't see, and they won't take the time to look.

2019-05-23 09:39:18 UTC  

More people are waking up

2019-05-23 09:39:48 UTC  

Last I checked walk away was still going and Trump is gaining with black voters

2019-05-23 09:40:09 UTC  

If he keeps up the prison stuff he will become almost unbeatable

2019-05-23 09:41:25 UTC  

Also the reason they believe it is echo chambers. Dont get me wrong many people do it too. I honestly wont fact check something unless it really interests me.

2019-05-23 09:42:30 UTC  

Its kinda funny though. If they werent attacking whites so brazenly now I'm pretty sure they could have won. But Obama just stirred the pot too fast and rustled all the jimmies pretty bad.

2019-05-23 11:24:55 UTC  

free to grab game on steam guys