Message from @Joe_Limon

Discord ID: 544933377539571712

2019-02-09 23:47:57 UTC  

@Mr. Jesus interestingly is the reactions of those folks. They seem genuinely concerned.

2019-02-09 23:48:28 UTC  

What is Tommy referring to there? He was interviewed?

2019-02-09 23:48:51 UTC  

He released another vid Friday. Where he said he had proof Panorama was trying to fabricate evidence against him.

2019-02-09 23:49:42 UTC  

Considering how the BBC, the Police etc have treated him in the UK it is believable

2019-02-09 23:52:39 UTC  

umm. I dunno what to think tbh

2019-02-10 02:11:35 UTC  

That SALT thing means states and local govt overtaxing won't cut fed revenue, meaning it's more the local taxes fucking people over. Is what I'm getting correct?

2019-02-10 02:14:43 UTC  

Ann Coulter 40 years younger would be awesome

2019-02-10 04:35:31 UTC  

@Yuukas. Yes. The SALT deduction is an itemized deduction that lets people take the value of their state and local income taxes off the federal income tax. So NY, if you're wealthy enough to bother itemizing deductions, then your 4-9% income tax can be deducted off federal. It used to be unlimited, but now it's capped at 12k for singles and 24k for doubles.

Yes, this means you need to be making more than 133k or 267k (conservative estimate, I don't have the NY tax table in front of me and used 9%) before you hit the limit. Yes, this means people in AK or WA cannot take advantage of the SALT deduction. Yes, this means that the states with the highest income taxes (CA, with 13%, HI, with 11%) are hardest hit. No, you probably won't see a change due to SALT because most people (75%, though congress claims that will go up to 90% under the tax reform bill the other year) claim standard deduction (you need to get all your major receipts from the past year AND those receipts have to sum up to something worth justifying not taking the standard deduction).

tl;dr the people who are paying SALT were already wealthy enough to justify itemizing (or atleast well-positioned) and now they can't ignore that fraction of the federal taxes so they actually have to pay their state income taxes in full. Obviously, the states with large income taxes aren't happy because now they have to face the consequences of those taxes (via the taxpayers).

2019-02-10 04:38:41 UTC  

Most of the SALT deduction complaining stuff is overblown in my opinion. The reform of SALT is more progressive and probably doesn't impact that many people already.

If it benefited more red states than blue states, we'd call it a "tax loophole for the rich"

Of course, if you're getting burned by the SALT reform, you're either a small business owner who's good at working the tax code, or you're wealthier than you want to admit, so maybe think about the next time people talk about "soak the rich" or start complaining about "the 1%"

2019-02-10 19:23:13 UTC  

I think the lying media is attacking the SALT reform on behalf of blue-state governments, not blue-state taxpayers. SALT reform on its own could tip blue states like Cali or Illinois or NY into bankruptcy.

2019-02-12 14:17:19 UTC  

“ Russia’s propaganda machine discovers 2020 democratic candidate Tulsi Gabbard “
On NBC News

NBC dishonestly uses a discredited source ( New Knowledge) to smear an anti war presidential candidate that has fallen out of favor with the DNC. The NYT ( link below) exposed this organization secretly creating fake Russian accounts to propagate its narrative that Putin was backing Roy Moore. Pointing to the very bots they created as proof. Now they’re doing it to Tusli, who resigned from the DNC in protest after they cheated Bernie Sanders.

Original link

Archive link

2019-02-12 14:43:49 UTC  

Yeah I saw Glenn Greenwald debunking it @Exiled Sentinel

2019-02-12 15:30:28 UTC  

So who is lying about crowd sizes of beto vs trump rallies?

2019-02-12 15:36:09 UTC  

I honestly have no idea and I dont understand why people give a crap

2019-02-12 15:36:18 UTC  

Its just an own that's going to last a day

2019-02-12 15:40:17 UTC  

@byathy Glenn is great.

2019-02-12 16:33:51 UTC  

as much as i like greenwald, i've seen him done some extremely shoddy reporting in regards to brazilian politics

2019-02-12 16:45:56 UTC  

@F.Pazuzu nobody is perfect. His reporting on RussiaGate, and the corrupted, incestuious, entanglement of journalism and the Military Industrial Complex is spot on. You can always count of him to call out shady spooks.

2019-02-12 17:27:13 UTC  

Most definitely, I agree wholeheartedly in that regard in particular. But it bums me out that someone that otherwise does great reporting has such a glaring blind spot, especially in regards to the country he lives in as a foreigner, which gives a different perspective. The Gell-Mann amnesia just doens't kick in wiht him, sort of. @Exiled Sentinel

2019-02-12 17:30:41 UTC  

I care less about the sizes. And more so about who is lying (to a greater degree) to fit their agenda.

2019-02-12 19:31:29 UTC  

Ben Shapiro did a pretty good spot on this in his first broadcast today. Showed the entire scenario, and the fact that Trump's rally was being heard at the Beto rally.

2019-02-12 19:32:48 UTC  

@Joe_Limon Bento is the bigger lair here

2019-02-12 19:33:53 UTC  

It seems that way but it would be nice to know by how much.

2019-02-12 19:34:19 UTC  

I am in Texas at the NM/TX boarder and local Police have been asking me to explain and identify QBZ-97 carbines for them

2019-02-12 19:36:29 UTC  

Appropriately titled "Tale of two rallies."

2019-02-12 19:37:07 UTC  

Klavan finally came on. Time to chill for a bit.

2019-02-12 19:40:09 UTC  

Despite being on the right, and shameless republicans, the Daily Wire does a pretty good job about their facts.

2019-02-12 19:46:26 UTC  

@allgoodguy Many will toss it out just because it doesn't tow the CRTL-Left narative

2019-02-12 19:48:25 UTC  

I just take it with a grain of salt, and remember they're openly giving their opinions from a certain point of view. That's true with all of them.

2019-02-12 19:49:38 UTC  

Like Tim, they're not exactly coming from a journalism background.

2019-02-12 19:51:45 UTC  

I know that, read all sides and figure out where the truth is... but I am disheartened by the willful ignorance of self described "Intellectuals" that toss out a view point because they don't agree with it.

2019-02-12 19:52:11 UTC  


2019-02-12 19:52:16 UTC  

So much Yep

2019-02-12 19:58:56 UTC  

Uh oh...need to find a podcast. Jack Dorsey on Sam Harris' podcast.

2019-02-12 20:16:44 UTC  

Beto is an idiot. His speech in incomprehensible.

2019-02-12 21:07:29 UTC  

BBC spreads fake news about Fox News host claiming that he didn’t wash his hands or believe in germs on their radio broadcast.

2019-02-12 21:30:54 UTC  

“ ‘ Germs are not a real thing’: Fox News host says he hasn’t washed hands in 10 years “ on The Guardian

Article lies about Pete Hegseth. Claiming that he seriously “ denies existence of germs”. This was clearly a joke, and Pete has confirmed this. Not that this was needed. Watching the full clip makes this abundantly clear.

Original link

Archive link

Full clip for context

2019-02-12 22:58:13 UTC  

Democrats pounce on republican talk show host for making a joke.

2019-02-12 23:10:45 UTC  

Jokes are racist