Message from @Ragnarok
Discord ID: 641154516846379038
Thank God Argentina didn’t take the Falklands.
And they say we're the antisemites?
Trust me, we despise them too
Remus on suicide watch
I find it a damn shame that both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have twitch accounts and neither of them have played Fortnite
Isnt 90% of Russia inhospitable hellscape?
British were doing alright though
@wwezombiegod British colonies > British homeland
I know someone shit bricks last time I mentioned that if you fuck a nonvirgin you're a faggot and nonvirgin women are trash
If you got 2+ rape babies you're a fuckin loser
@Ehzek not quite. depends on the geographical location. By far the worst is by the Laptev Sea. The Taiga is no different from Canadian wilderness.
@wwezombiegod I'm not British, how dare you lump me in with those
We don't say that faggot
Eurotrash need a loicense to fart
euro island trash need a loicense for everything.
I hate teachers that can't speak English. I'm not wasting thousands of dollars on school to pay a tutor to reteach me in english
Canada's diversity is hurting it's own people
h god I'm not the only one with this shit.
and I'm not even living in civilised North American countries
That fucking moment when your english level,according to eurofag classification is C2 level
and you have to take a C1 course in order to graduate.
Absolute fucking chad
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╬═╬ dropping in to say
╬═╬☻/ Epstein didn’t kill himself
╬═╬/▌ We still have no answer on the Vegas Massacre.
╬═╬/ \ Google Dancing Israelis.
Reminds me how Vincent James pointed out Israel is starting to post lots of things online for dance classes in Israel or promoting random parties of Isralies dancing so the Google searches will show that
I just found...
the perfect T-shirt for all of us.