Message from @Rickard

Discord ID: 510243574886170634

2018-11-08 23:58:34 UTC  

@Rickard yes. Plus, it’s difficult to say how much IQ itself affects behavior.

2018-11-08 23:58:40 UTC  

Right, don't address my basic point that you tripped over.

2018-11-08 23:59:01 UTC  

But we've been converging for 6000 years as transportation has improved

2018-11-08 23:59:41 UTC  

Horses. Boats. Lots of migration.

2018-11-08 23:59:42 UTC  

Transportation alone isn't mixing the entire global population all that much.

2018-11-09 00:00:24 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat yeah, i'm not even trying to argue on that point, just widen the overall discussion.

My angle is that there still is nothing speaking for genetics infuencing political belief

2018-11-09 00:01:17 UTC  

Hitler was a smart lad on many aspects, still a socialist.

2018-11-09 00:01:30 UTC  

@Rickard I know. I’m just putting it out there.

2018-11-09 00:02:09 UTC  

Being communist, socialist, kapitalist etc. is most likely not realted to IQ nor race.
@Salacious Swanky Cat 👍

2018-11-09 00:02:40 UTC  

having a high IQ doesnt make you immune to stupidity as a lot of ppl seem to think these days

2018-11-09 00:02:44 UTC  

@Rickard I agree.

2018-11-09 00:03:20 UTC  

Class or economic success is related to IQ. That's one big reason why psychologists care about it.

2018-11-09 00:03:35 UTC  

theyre good indicators

2018-11-09 00:03:58 UTC  

@Rickard the core of the argument between me and dev is that he seriously believes that racal genetic differences makes racial integration impossible/undesirable.

2018-11-09 00:04:10 UTC  

but you can still be successful in something and be a total dumbass on everything else

2018-11-09 00:04:11 UTC  

It's a good predictor of social outcomes.

2018-11-09 00:04:24 UTC  

a "smart" person realizes this

2018-11-09 00:04:38 UTC  

a dumb "smart" person does not

2018-11-09 00:04:53 UTC  

The lower your IQ the less likely you are to be economically successful.

2018-11-09 00:05:07 UTC  

in the west yes

2018-11-09 00:05:48 UTC  

@tritrium very true. Philosophy can dazzle or enligthen many.
Yet @devpav the socialist ideology and politics are developed by advanced thinker at universities and only until very recently has overall quality dropped.

This further ads to race and genetics having nothing to do with this.
@Salacious Swanky Cat yeah, i'm just trying to add some perspective and extras to perhaps shred some light on the topic for.. you know.. some people

2018-11-09 00:06:37 UTC  

@tritrium are you saying that IQ does not determine average success rate in the east and majority africa?

2018-11-09 00:07:38 UTC  

I am saying that in the west unskilled labour is, to be hyperbolic, no longer wanted or needed.

2018-11-09 00:07:53 UTC  

But it depends on what you define success as

2018-11-09 00:08:01 UTC  

If you define it as being able to provide for u kids and family

2018-11-09 00:08:18 UTC  

How come then that unskilled labour still results in better overall life quality in the west than in the east and the majority of african countries?

2018-11-09 00:08:18 UTC  

then yeah, you gonna have a hard time in the west doing that as a lowskill worker

2018-11-09 00:08:57 UTC  

Carpenters, factory operators etc. make by far alot more and live alot better in the west than in the east and the africas

2018-11-09 00:09:25 UTC  

Ur comparing totally different economic standards

2018-11-09 00:09:33 UTC  

if u look 100 years ago

2018-11-09 00:09:45 UTC  

we werent earning said wages either

2018-11-09 00:10:20 UTC  

100 years ago we were farmers and so were they. Now neither of us are and neither of us are in the industrialization stage

2018-11-09 00:10:25 UTC  

if u look at china, in a span of approx 30 years or so they went from averaging a wage of 1$ a month+- to 700$+ a month for lowskilled labour

2018-11-09 00:10:35 UTC  

in the west there is far more capital in place already. the factory already exists, and the workers are already educated and trained. there is already a highway, a rail line, a cargo port. it's already there, no additional investment required. in africa they have not invested in capital. they have instead spent whatever gains they have made.

2018-11-09 00:11:35 UTC  

also, there are strong institutions in the west. police, legal systems, regulatory bodies. none of that exists in africa, making investment (both foreign and domestic) far riskier. someone can just rob you, extort you, etc.

2018-11-09 00:11:43 UTC  

Frankly i think all of this has more to do with geographical location and the fact that nearly the entire world has set foot in europe

2018-11-09 00:12:25 UTC  

this book covers the problems in great detail

2018-11-09 00:12:30 UTC  

in relation as to why we ended up getting ahead

2018-11-09 00:14:36 UTC  

Because our people chose to focus on institutions, science and commerce etc. Many of these countries does not, or focuses on completly different development such as personal gain (corruption) and power disputes.

And now we in the west has started focusing on helping everyone but ourselfes. Very interesting.

2018-11-09 00:15:33 UTC  

the chinese have had massive growth because they have been investing in capital and infrastructure at an absurd rate (mostly driven by their capital controls). they have also been sending their kids overseas to get educated, and soliciting all sorts of foreign investment. also doesn't hurt that government officials charged with corruption can get executed.