Message from @4AM_critter πŸ‰

Discord ID: 523630723140288533

2018-12-15 19:21:24 UTC  

I think people are capable of being reasonable

2018-12-15 19:21:38 UTC  

and should not involve the police unless absolutely necessary

2018-12-15 19:22:03 UTC  

that has worked for me so far, and I won't be changing my mind

2018-12-15 19:34:32 UTC  

go to the mafia before the police. only consumers can break up monopolies.

2018-12-15 21:21:09 UTC  


2018-12-15 21:21:24 UTC  

I'll file that in the "really, really bad ideas" category

2018-12-15 21:22:31 UTC  

Government did a pretty good job breaking up Ma Bell

2018-12-15 21:22:36 UTC  

I lived through that

2018-12-15 21:22:49 UTC  

and then we pretty much re-assembled it, eh?

2018-12-15 21:24:40 UTC  

I dunno if this is a controversial opinion, wanna gauge it; United Ireland is coming and I'm damn excited

2018-12-15 21:24:58 UTC  

I can almost guarantee it

2018-12-15 22:15:26 UTC  

Is this really the perception in north america?
Are white kids raised to believe they are under attack?
Did the current parent generation really oppress an entire race?

2018-12-15 22:26:39 UTC  

Parent or grandparents, yes. Look up Jim Crow.

2018-12-15 22:27:06 UTC  

Within last 100 years at least

2018-12-15 22:27:20 UTC  

No ones current kids' parents oppressed anyone

2018-12-15 22:28:26 UTC  

jim crow was widespread - slavery, not so much
what percentage of Americans actually owned slaves?

2018-12-15 22:31:19 UTC  

also...THIS generation is oppressing the chinese
with their iPhones and cheap goods
produced under conditions that are not so far distant from slavery

2018-12-15 22:40:03 UTC  

Thank you for answering

2018-12-15 22:41:20 UTC  

Can I get a foreigners digest of the Jim Crow law/ruling/what it is and the meaning for american society

2018-12-15 22:41:32 UTC  

In short a tl:dr

2018-12-15 22:47:52 UTC  

One of my parents voted for Nixon to signs waving saying "Nixon for law and order" and "Put the n****r in his place". The other voted differently. My mother attended segregated schools and went to segregated businesses. Virginia in the 1950s.

2018-12-15 22:48:34 UTC  

Thanks for answering.

2018-12-15 22:49:36 UTC  

My first girlfriend was black and I nearly gave my grandmother a heart attack in 1985 when I brought her home. By 2008 she happily voted for Obama and cried tears of joy at his acceptance speech. People change, but that doesn't change what was back in 1970's and earlier

2018-12-15 22:50:58 UTC  

Yeah,but you aren't a kid today.
The question was about today's kids parents oppressing a race..

2018-12-15 23:07:48 UTC  

@4AM_critter πŸ‰ ya know who owned more slaves in the US, right?

2018-12-15 23:07:59 UTC  

the _jews_ 😏

2018-12-15 23:09:05 UTC  

why do people even think slavery has anything to do with race? The west simply used blacks because they were cheap in Africa, where other blacks sold blacks

2018-12-15 23:24:17 UTC  

Just a personal addendum. Oppression is not dependent on slavery.

2018-12-15 23:29:10 UTC  

Of course not

2018-12-15 23:30:05 UTC  

A slave can actually have rather a lot of agency.

2018-12-15 23:31:35 UTC  

And a free man can be horribly oppressed

2018-12-15 23:35:21 UTC  

In my country we had the StavnsbΓ₯nd.

2018-12-15 23:36:03 UTC  

Is that a guy shoving something up that cow's butt?

2018-12-15 23:36:09 UTC  


2018-12-15 23:36:59 UTC  

Its a plow, the cow is pulling

2018-12-16 01:49:15 UTC  

It's faster than 𓁃