Message from @Khanclansith

Discord ID: 526126283785109525

2018-12-22 04:01:06 UTC  

We absolutely can.

2018-12-22 04:01:35 UTC  

I'm up for lithium in the water. Let's do it.

2018-12-22 04:02:21 UTC  

Not what I'm talking about.

2018-12-22 04:04:42 UTC  

One sec, driving. Just got off shift

2018-12-22 04:05:16 UTC  

The DSM5 makes clear that a person who is functional and who is not distressed by a condition is not sick.

2018-12-22 04:06:21 UTC  

I no longer have gender identity dysphoria because I'm functional and not distressed by my body anymore. Well any more than all women are self critical. :-)

2018-12-22 04:08:12 UTC  

Drive safe!

2018-12-22 13:06:59 UTC  

@DrYuriMom `I'm up for lithium in the water. Let's do it.` surely you jest?

2018-12-22 13:09:52 UTC  

Mental illness is commie propaganda.

2018-12-22 13:12:49 UTC  

```"The field of our science is human action, not the psychological events which result in an action. It is precisely this which distinguishes the general theory of human action, praxeology, from psychology. The theme of psychology is the internal events that result or can result in a definite action. The theme of praxeology is action as such. This also settles the relation of praxeology to the psychoanalytical concept of the subconscious. Psychoanalysis too is psychology and does not investigate action but the forces and factors that impel a man toward a definite action. The psychoanalytical subconscious is a psychological and not a praxeological category. Whether an action stems from clear deliberation, or from forgotten memories and suppressed desires which from submerged regions, as it were, direct the will, does not influence the nature of the action. The murderer whom a subconscious urge (the Id) drives toward his crime and the neurotic whose aberrant behavior seems to be simply meaningless to an untrained observer both act; they like anybody else are aiming at certain ends. It is the merit of psychoanalysis that it has demonstrated that even the behavior of neurotics and psychopaths is meaningful, that they too act and aim at ends, although we who consider ourselves normal and sane call the reasoning determining their choice of ends nonsensical and the means they choose for the attainment of these ends contrary to purpose.
-Ludwig von Mises, Human Action. ```

2018-12-22 13:19:08 UTC

2018-12-22 13:19:59 UTC  

Replace "wine" with "cum"

2018-12-22 13:24:37 UTC  

Replace "drinks wine and not water" with "chops his dick off"

2018-12-22 15:16:08 UTC  
2018-12-22 15:24:50 UTC  

@ʇooNʇooN yes, that was sarcasm to make a point

Anarcho communism is sheet

I refuse to verify my phone

2018-12-22 19:41:39 UTC  

Anarcho Capitalism is no better

2018-12-22 19:42:13 UTC  

you have to have rules for the market to flourish and have to crack down on people abusing the market to go to monopoly status

2018-12-22 19:50:07 UTC  

Ancaps are fake intellectuals who think that the market being unlimited allows it to truly choose the best version of society

2018-12-22 19:58:01 UTC  

Any Anarchist in my assessment is either a self deluded fool or a gullible NPC. Anarchy is never a utopia they claim it would be and in the end some form of governance will always emerge, and in the absence of a cooperative government, that role will be filled by authoritarians

2018-12-22 20:04:50 UTC  

i find it rather adorable that some anarchists actually believe they could and would actually own anything after the society collapses

2018-12-22 20:09:01 UTC  

if you have a couple of thousand rounds of ammo and some nice rifles, yes

2018-12-22 20:09:08 UTC  

if you don't, you're fucked

2018-12-22 20:09:56 UTC  

you still need to sleep

2018-12-22 20:10:39 UTC  

That would be the whole "Cooperative Government" part

2018-12-22 20:12:22 UTC  

anarchy is good for those people who have what it takes to be a proper warlord

2018-12-22 20:13:05 UTC  

most people advocating for it aren't such people

2018-12-22 20:18:38 UTC  

in an "After the Disaster" scenario you end up with Shepard's, Lambs, Whores, Tyrants, jackals, and strays. Shepherds try to lead and protect people out of some sort of moral urging. Lambs are those that can't do anything on their own and will most likely die (mostly kids), Whores are those who will do or trade any thing to any one for food, shelter, comfort (not strictly sex), Tyrants are those who had some form of standing before and now use that to justify their domination of others, Jackals are vicious cowards that form mobs to exercise violence but not stand out. Strays are those that are perfectly fine being anti-social and only take care of themselves

2018-12-22 20:20:11 UTC  

Lambs may end up as follower

2018-12-22 20:20:21 UTC  

For Shepherd or tyrant

2018-12-22 20:22:09 UTC  

I agree. But most tyrants will make whores out of lambs as soon as they can break them

2018-12-22 20:46:22 UTC  

Depends on the motivation of the tyrant

2018-12-22 20:47:15 UTC  

I don't see why a tyrant couldn't be good at motivating people instead of domineering them. A Shepherd could even be a tyrant.

2018-12-22 21:01:55 UTC  


2018-12-22 21:02:02 UTC  

great idea

2018-12-22 21:04:59 UTC  

As an historical example of benevolent tyrants. I offer up Cincinatus. I think he was elected Dictator in Rome on ten different occasions.

2018-12-23 00:08:16 UTC  

I am an offensive moderate

2018-12-23 00:41:17 UTC  

i haven't taken one in a while but i was a center lib the last one i took

2018-12-23 01:09:29 UTC

2018-12-23 01:10:35 UTC  

Center left, as expected