Message from @Glaice

Discord ID: 542021894598295572

2019-02-04 10:09:58 UTC  

Most importantly, it would include self ownership.

2019-02-04 10:10:18 UTC  

The ideal world is one in which businesses treat labor like family. That would be my priority

2019-02-04 10:14:58 UTC  

Free speech would somewhat be included, but if taken as absolute, it would violate property rights. You can't yell "fire!" in a crowded theatre, because the owner of the theatre would not approve and has the right to remove anyone from his property that violates the rules he sets as a condition of entry. Most would consider anyone who complained that this violates their right to free speech is being unreasonable.

2019-02-04 10:19:59 UTC  

Normally you dont pay family for work

2019-02-04 10:24:55 UTC  

Normally no

2019-02-04 10:26:31 UTC  

That should be the cultural mindset

2019-02-04 10:27:19 UTC  

Families provide for eachother

2019-02-04 11:11:06 UTC  

Next goal would be to minimize death. The most religious countries in the world are religious because they have people who die a lot. Suicide, homocide, health or whatever constitutes death should be minimized in order to have a fact based society rather than a faith based one.

2019-02-04 13:29:53 UTC  

Also make abortion more accessible and common on the grounds of reducing overpopulation.

2019-02-04 14:06:54 UTC  

The welfare state benefits the state, not the welfare recipients. If you hate Jews, give them money.

2019-02-04 14:08:11 UTC  
2019-02-04 14:52:27 UTC  

@halfthink no you can't falsely yell fire in a theater because it puts the general public at risk. Not because of the owner.

2019-02-04 15:02:29 UTC  

@The Yellow King is there a law against it other than property rights?

2019-02-04 15:08:26 UTC  

Here is the scouts ruling that is relevant
The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic. ... The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent. It is a question of proximity and degree.

2019-02-04 16:29:51 UTC  

@halfthink Tim Pool is not alt right. Stop trying to shit alt rightism all over his server. You guys have plenty of your own servers.

2019-02-04 16:33:23 UTC  

What the fuck, that's a crazy thought. Tim's not alt right

2019-02-04 16:39:49 UTC  

no, no, Tim is "Alt-Right," he isn't in lock step with the CTRL-Left so anyone who isn't in lock step is an "Alt-Right" boogey man. Tim admitted it on the video this morning

2019-02-04 16:41:22 UTC  


2019-02-04 16:41:29 UTC  


2019-02-04 16:41:48 UTC  


2019-02-04 16:42:52 UTC  

Soot on the face of white working class people doesn't fit the "White People don't know what it is to be poor" BULL being pushed so the CRTL-LEFT propaganda speakers are now calling it black face

2019-02-04 17:14:07 UTC  

LOL the WaPo caring about Journaliism?

2019-02-04 17:16:41 UTC  

who was it that posted this racist black supremacist racist appalling worst article ever??
THat "Can my kids be friends with white people" shit.

2019-02-04 17:16:52 UTC  

was it the WaPo or NYT?

2019-02-04 17:18:27 UTC  
2019-02-04 17:22:14 UTC  

The journalist cries out as he tries to libel you and ruin your life.

2019-02-04 18:23:38 UTC  

@devpav It's in the Alinsky rules. Also, your name is familiar. Are you on my server or YT channel?

2019-02-04 19:08:07 UTC  

@Analytical Chick you can check their profile and see

2019-02-04 19:20:56 UTC  

@RekItRalph sounds like what you want is a communist atheist state

2019-02-04 19:21:54 UTC  

Deify science and lose the morals inherent in religion

2019-02-04 19:26:16 UTC  

Have every business owned by a family which is focused not on being successful but on providing for its workers

2019-02-04 19:27:21 UTC  

But in order to acomplish this it would require a planned economy, otherwise corporations will compete with each other and driving people into unemployment

2019-02-04 19:28:56 UTC  

the government would take all the extra resources wasted on competition in society and instead use them to further humanity's technological progress

2019-02-04 21:07:00 UTC  

@Blackhawk342 how would this be communist?

2019-02-04 21:20:50 UTC  

How would a society with a planned economy and prioritizing the well being of workers above company success be communist?

2019-02-04 21:24:53 UTC  

You said that families provide for each other and that you would like companies to do the same