Message from @Dr.Wol
Discord ID: 470865686244229131
What'd he do you think is significant?
Admittedly, I'm enough of a libertrian to be fond of Coolidge for doing very little.
he died after 33 days into his presidency
he didn't get to do anything 😂
on a cold rainy day he came without an overcoat, on horseback to his inauguration
held the longest inauguration speech in US history
then caught Pneumonia
and died
har har.
Unfortunatley history does tend to have a leftist slant to it
In my vietnam war class we spent as much time on the protests as we did on the war itself
The main reason people are ignorant about their history is that its glossed over in the lower schools
I have a friend that told me that in Conneticut they used A People's History exclusively.
Appalling IMO.
How can you use a book designed to supplement and provide and alternative to "the standard history" when you don't even know what the "standard history" is?
Thats why im trying to be a history teacher
Theres far too much that goes unsaid and unexplained, good and bad
A massive restructuring of the ciriculum for history is in order
It should be. But unfortunately, I don't see it coming.
The not-left has been pushing for it since atleast the 90s.
But the field has only gotten increasingly radical and pretends to have no idea why it is and doesn't intend to address it even in parts.
Reading more about People's History
I dont see how this is anything other than communist propaganda
that's exactly what it is.
It's highly popular on the Left too.
what is?
*A People's Histroy of the United States* By Howard Zinn.
It's book of alternative history.
It's every bit as far left as the title would imply.
Not in that its a fake history
Just that its viewing history through the eyes of a communist
It's got a pretty clear editorial slant, to put it gently.
Big on Social Justice White Guilt type stuff.
Being so much of a beta that you regret being born of a certain rac
holy hell
threatening war over twitter 😄 what year is this?!