Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 471528749364674571
Unknown. I uninstalled FO4 a while ago to make room for other games
Need to just buy another HDD
My favourite has to be FO2
Or new vegas
FO4 has its flaws but its still a good game
Fallout 🤢
new vegas has memes and immersion
FO4 made for a great FPS. Not so much of a good RPG though.
Voiced protagonist killed it for me
Thank goodness for the Silent Protagonist mod
FO4 was to Fallout what ME2 was to mass effect
more focus on the shooting than the RPG aspects
??? ME2 is the best ME. 3 was shooting
ME3 was more rpg
ME2 didn't even have an inventory screen
Also... Miranda so.. yeah the best
It was lliterally Gears of war plus Mass effect
ME3 was my favourite Mass Effect
You're both wrong, ME1 is the best Mass Effect
And Andromeda doesn't exist
_is kidding_
What's your party in DA
Most used, preferred
Morrigan, Alistair, Sten
It's been a while since I played DA, but I think I typically ran around with Morrigan and Alistair
And also I switch out Sten for Dog
So many sex mods man
Morrigan, Leliana and the old lady
leliana is cool
But too much of a saint
Oh right, I forgot about Leliana
Eh, she's pretty powerful with the right build
She was there just to unlock stuff
Joseph Rogan. Fat bottom lip!