Message from @Jamin

Discord ID: 698406929159946311

2020-04-10 00:59:38 UTC  


2020-04-10 01:00:38 UTC  

did it let ya in

2020-04-10 01:00:52 UTC  

probably glittching rn

2020-04-10 01:47:46 UTC  

no it didn't @al Érelandi

2020-04-10 11:15:35 UTC  

Hey @Golden Nabisco, welcome to **The Neinchan Hangout**! this is the server of the imageboard known as Neinchan! to finish the vetting, please answer the following questions:

>1, from who or from where did you find this server?
>2, have you ever been on a Neinchan Discord server before, if so what was your username back then?
>3, what is your Nationality?
>4, what is your Religion?
>5, what is your Ideology?
>6, what is your opinion on gun control, animal rights, and freedom of speech?
>7, what is your opinion on the Holocaust?
>8, what is your opinion on Accelerationism?
>9, what is your opinion on Homosexuality?
>10, have you ever used imageboards before so you know this is the server of an imageboard?
>11, have you read the <#694057335009574963> and understand them?

after you answer these questions, please remember to get the roles that define your worldview from the <#694058234050379778> channel. and please ping the <@&694061134130446396>, or a <@&694061237436153856>, or a <@&694061325776584765> so they can notice i

2020-04-10 11:34:18 UTC  

1. Partnership with 2083 Renaissance
2. No
3. American
4. Non-denominational conservative Christian
5. Ethnonationalism, conservatism, and traditionalism
6. Law abiding citizens should be allowed to own any type of gun. Animals shouldn't be abused, but humane testing, consumption, and use of animal products is fine. Freedom of speech is a human right, but viewing/producing child porn and bestiality is not.
7. Not sure how much is true and how much is Jewish propaganda.
8. Neutral. Depends on how it's used.
9. Degenerate and wrong, but if the LGBTs keep it to themselves and never promote it again I wouldn't care as much
10. I visited 4chan a few times but that's it
11. Yes

2020-04-10 11:35:10 UTC  

its okay i can wait

2020-04-10 11:35:16 UTC  


2020-04-10 11:35:18 UTC  


2020-04-10 11:35:20 UTC  


2020-04-10 12:03:48 UTC  

Hey @CoolPope, welcome to **The Neinchan Hangout**! this is the server of the imageboard known as Neinchan! to finish the vetting, please answer the following questions:

>1, from who or from where did you find this server?
>2, have you ever been on a Neinchan Discord server before, if so what was your username back then?
>3, what is your Nationality?
>4, what is your Religion?
>5, what is your Ideology?
>6, what is your opinion on gun control, animal rights, and freedom of speech?
>7, what is your opinion on the Holocaust?
>8, what is your opinion on Accelerationism?
>9, what is your opinion on Homosexuality?
>10, have you ever used imageboards before so you know this is the server of an imageboard?
>11, have you read the <#694057335009574963> and understand them?

after you answer these questions, please remember to get the roles that define your worldview from the <#694058234050379778> channel. and please ping the <@&694061134130446396>, or a <@&694061237436153856>, or a <@&694061325776584765> so they can notice i

2020-04-10 12:05:03 UTC  

answer the questions, this is the vetting

2020-04-10 14:46:46 UTC  
2020-04-10 15:24:12 UTC  

Hey @Nocturnal Caligula, welcome to **The Neinchan Hangout**! this is the server of the imageboard known as Neinchan! to finish the vetting, please answer the following questions:

>1, from who or from where did you find this server?
>2, have you ever been on a Neinchan Discord server before, if so what was your username back then?
>3, what is your Nationality?
>4, what is your Religion?
>5, what is your Ideology?
>6, what is your opinion on gun control, animal rights, and freedom of speech?
>7, what is your opinion on the Holocaust?
>8, what is your opinion on Accelerationism?
>9, what is your opinion on Homosexuality?
>10, have you ever used imageboards before so you know this is the server of an imageboard?
>11, have you read the <#694057335009574963> and understand them?

after you answer these questions, please remember to get the roles that define your worldview from the <#694058234050379778> channel. and please ping the <@&694061134130446396>, or a <@&694061237436153856>, or a <@&694061325776584765> so they can notice i

2020-04-10 15:24:26 UTC  

>no Siegers
Faggots lmao

2020-04-10 15:24:43 UTC  

Kike on a stick 😫

2020-04-10 19:02:35 UTC  

Hey @TheRudberg, welcome to **The Neinchan Hangout**! this is the server of the imageboard known as Neinchan! to finish the vetting, please answer the following questions:

>1, from who or from where did you find this server?
>2, have you ever been on a Neinchan Discord server before, if so what was your username back then?
>3, what is your Nationality?
>4, what is your Religion?
>5, what is your Ideology?
>6, what is your opinion on gun control, animal rights, and freedom of speech?
>7, what is your opinion on the Holocaust?
>8, what is your opinion on Accelerationism?
>9, what is your opinion on Homosexuality?
>10, have you ever used imageboards before so you know this is the server of an imageboard?
>11, have you read the <#694057335009574963> and understand them?

after you answer these questions, please remember to get the roles that define your worldview from the <#694058234050379778> channel. and please ping the <@&694061134130446396>, or a <@&694061237436153856>, or a <@&694061325776584765> so they can notice i

2020-04-10 19:07:23 UTC  

>1 The Partnership channel in The Right Cafe.
>2 No.
>3 White
>4 Roman Catholic
>5 Somewhere on the Right spectrum for sure, just trying to learn
>6 Pro-Gun, Pro-free speech. If a dog bites my kid I should be allowed to put him down plain and simple
>7 It happened over 50 years ago move the fuck on you kikes
>8 Accelerationism from what the google definition says sounds pre fuckin sweet man. Go capitalism and free market.
>9 Its demonic and is something that can be changed and no your not born with that shit.
>10 Nah bro
>11 Yes Sir Staff SGT.

2020-04-10 22:36:54 UTC  

Hey @General, welcome to **The Neinchan Hangout**! this is the server of the imageboard known as Neinchan! to finish the vetting, please answer the following questions:

>1, from who or from where did you find this server?
>2, have you ever been on a Neinchan Discord server before, if so what was your username back then?
>3, what is your Nationality?
>4, what is your Religion?
>5, what is your Ideology?
>6, what is your opinion on gun control, animal rights, and freedom of speech?
>7, what is your opinion on the Holocaust?
>8, what is your opinion on Accelerationism?
>9, what is your opinion on Homosexuality?
>10, have you ever used imageboards before so you know this is the server of an imageboard?
>11, have you read the <#694057335009574963> and understand them?

after you answer these questions, please remember to get the roles that define your worldview from the <#694058234050379778> channel. and please ping the <@&694061134130446396>, or a <@&694061237436153856>, or a <@&694061325776584765> so they can notice i

2020-04-11 05:36:15 UTC  

Hey @Jamin, welcome to **The Neinchan Hangout**! this is the server of the imageboard known as Neinchan! to finish the vetting, please answer the following questions:

>1, from who or from where did you find this server?
>2, have you ever been on a Neinchan Discord server before, if so what was your username back then?
>3, what is your Nationality?
>4, what is your Religion?
>5, what is your Ideology?
>6, what is your opinion on gun control, animal rights, and freedom of speech?
>7, what is your opinion on the Holocaust?
>8, what is your opinion on Accelerationism?
>9, what is your opinion on Homosexuality?
>10, have you ever used imageboards before so you know this is the server of an imageboard?
>11, have you read the <#694057335009574963> and understand them?

after you answer these questions, please remember to get the roles that define your worldview from the <#694058234050379778> channel. and please ping the <@&694061134130446396>, or a <@&694061237436153856>, or a <@&694061325776584765> so they can notice i

2020-04-11 05:39:47 UTC  

>1, right cafe
>2, no
>3, french
>4, catholic
>5, monarchist
>6, gun control should be less restrctive, animal rights should be as good as possible, and freedom of speech is fine
>7, uncool
>8, gay af
>9, gay af
>10, no
>11, ye

2020-04-11 09:31:35 UTC  

Hey @Colt, welcome to **The Neinchan Hangout**! this is the server of the imageboard known as Neinchan! to finish the vetting, please answer the following questions:

>1, from who or from where did you find this server?
>2, have you ever been on a Neinchan Discord server before, if so what was your username back then?
>3, what is your Nationality?
>4, what is your Religion?
>5, what is your Ideology?
>6, what is your opinion on gun control, animal rights, and freedom of speech?
>7, what is your opinion on the Holocaust?
>8, what is your opinion on Accelerationism?
>9, what is your opinion on Homosexuality?
>10, have you ever used imageboards before so you know this is the server of an imageboard?
>11, have you read the <#694057335009574963> and understand them?

after you answer these questions, please remember to get the roles that define your worldview from the <#694058234050379778> channel. and please ping the <@&694061134130446396>, or a <@&694061237436153856>, or a <@&694061325776584765> so they can notice i

2020-04-11 09:32:47 UTC  

answer the questions this is the vetting @Colt

2020-04-11 09:32:54 UTC  

Thank you

2020-04-11 09:44:10 UTC  

i can wait

2020-04-11 09:46:17 UTC  

1. It was linked in the server called "2083 Renaissance"
2. I haven't
3. Danish
4. None
5. Liberal, by European standards, not American.
6. I think we shouldn't change status quo regarding gun control. I'm obviously a fan of animal rights, and I think free speech is the most important pillar in a free society, and should never be limited.
7. I'm convinced it happened, but I wouldn't be surprised if certain elements accepted as facts today turn out to be exaggerated.
8. Question too broad, elaborate if you want answer.
9. People can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't infringe on my rights.
10. I've visited 4chan quite a lot, but never a discord-version of an image board.
11. Rules seem reasonable, but you make it a clear point to never praise offenders of several violent crimes. Does this include Ted Kaczynski? Obviously wouldn't praise his actions, but his manifesto and his ideas are very interesting imo.

2020-04-11 09:47:01 UTC  
2020-04-11 12:53:13 UTC  

Hey @Feddie, welcome to **The Neinchan Hangout**! this is the server of the imageboard known as Neinchan! to finish the vetting, please answer the following questions:

>1, from who or from where did you find this server?
>2, have you ever been on a Neinchan Discord server before, if so what was your username back then?
>3, what is your Nationality?
>4, what is your Religion?
>5, what is your Ideology?
>6, what is your opinion on gun control, animal rights, and freedom of speech?
>7, what is your opinion on the Holocaust?
>8, what is your opinion on Accelerationism?
>9, what is your opinion on Homosexuality?
>10, have you ever used imageboards before so you know this is the server of an imageboard?
>11, have you read the <#694057335009574963> and understand them?

after you answer these questions, please remember to get the roles that define your worldview from the <#694058234050379778> channel. and please ping the <@&694061134130446396>, or a <@&694061237436153856>, or a <@&694061325776584765> so they can notice i

2020-04-11 13:04:07 UTC  

Hey @bareback warrior, welcome to **The Neinchan Hangout**! this is the server of the imageboard known as Neinchan! to finish the vetting, please answer the following questions:

>1, from who or from where did you find this server?
>2, have you ever been on a Neinchan Discord server before, if so what was your username back then?
>3, what is your Nationality?
>4, what is your Religion?
>5, what is your Ideology?
>6, what is your opinion on gun control, animal rights, and freedom of speech?
>7, what is your opinion on the Holocaust?
>8, what is your opinion on Accelerationism?
>9, what is your opinion on Homosexuality?
>10, have you ever used imageboards before so you know this is the server of an imageboard?
>11, have you read the <#694057335009574963> and understand them?

after you answer these questions, please remember to get the roles that define your worldview from the <#694058234050379778> channel. and please ping the <@&694061134130446396>, or a <@&694061237436153856>, or a <@&694061325776584765> so they can notice i

2020-04-11 13:04:57 UTC  

lmao fuck off echo chamber faggots <@&694061134130446396> <@&694061237436153856> <@&694061325776584765>

2020-04-11 13:05:35 UTC  

@bareback warrior if you do not wanna join the server and came to shittalk us then just fuck off

2020-04-11 13:06:02 UTC  

thats what im doing drooler

2020-04-11 13:06:16 UTC  

Ahaha the nigga left

2020-04-11 13:06:53 UTC  

@Feddie what about you man? are you gonna do the vetting or be like the other guy?

2020-04-11 13:08:26 UTC  

@smmmmith ✞ hey, are you gonna do the vetting?

2020-04-11 14:42:32 UTC  

@Tricky Rick sorry busy

2020-04-11 14:42:55 UTC  

I'll do it now

2020-04-11 14:53:32 UTC  

1. 2083 2. No 3. American 4. Christian 5. Conservative 6. Against gun control, God put animals on the planet for human but they shouldn't be abused, free speech is not hate speech. 7. China and Russia have done far worse more recently yet they are glossed over. 8. I think Marxism is insane and shouldn't be allowed to exist. 9. Keep the gays at bay. They've had enough limelight. Closet light is enough. 10. Yes 11. Yes

2020-04-11 16:00:22 UTC  

>1, United Christendom
>2, no
>3, American
>4, Christian
>5, Traditionalist / social conservative
>6, against gun control, no need for pointless animal cruelty but I'm not going to invert my whole moral system and become a veggiefag, still working out freedom of speech but it is vital for a society like our own
>7, overblown
>8, if its the autistic nihilist kind then I disavow
>9, Homosexuality is gay. It should be severely disincentivized
>10, yes
>11, yes

2020-04-11 16:58:29 UTC  

Hey @Owere1776, welcome to **The Neinchan Hangout**! this is the server of the imageboard known as Neinchan! to finish the vetting, please answer the following questions:

>1, from who or from where did you find this server?
>2, have you ever been on a Neinchan Discord server before, if so what was your username back then?
>3, what is your Nationality?
>4, what is your Religion?
>5, what is your Ideology?
>6, what is your opinion on gun control, animal rights, and freedom of speech?
>7, what is your opinion on the Holocaust?
>8, what is your opinion on Accelerationism?
>9, what is your opinion on Homosexuality?
>10, have you ever used imageboards before so you know this is the server of an imageboard?
>11, have you read the <#694057335009574963> and understand them?

after you answer these questions, please remember to get the roles that define your worldview from the <#694058234050379778> channel. and please ping the <@&694061134130446396>, or a <@&694061237436153856>, or a <@&694061325776584765> so they can notice i

2020-04-11 17:44:40 UTC  

Hey @QUASI-HOBBESSIAN, welcome to **The Neinchan Hangout**! this is the server of the imageboard known as Neinchan! to finish the vetting, please answer the following questions:

>1, from who or from where did you find this server?
>2, have you ever been on a Neinchan Discord server before, if so what was your username back then?
>3, what is your Nationality?
>4, what is your Religion?
>5, what is your Ideology?
>6, what is your opinion on gun control, animal rights, and freedom of speech?
>7, what is your opinion on the Holocaust?
>8, what is your opinion on Accelerationism?
>9, what is your opinion on Homosexuality?
>10, have you ever used imageboards before so you know this is the server of an imageboard?
>11, have you read the <#694057335009574963> and understand them?

after you answer these questions, please remember to get the roles that define your worldview from the <#694058234050379778> channel. and please ping the <@&694061134130446396>, or a <@&694061237436153856>, or a <@&694061325776584765> so they can notice i